01-11-2014, 01:28 AM
Hello folks some1 playin hs on this forum ? If so we can duel or something 
If u havent heard about that game before its card game(yes cards are boring but this game is awesome) by blizzard. Kinda hype about that game tho as u can see how many viewers on twitch watch streams, its currently closed beta so u need a key to play it. I think open beta coming very soon. Its great to see old mofos from wc3 in action once again

If u havent heard about that game before its card game(yes cards are boring but this game is awesome) by blizzard. Kinda hype about that game tho as u can see how many viewers on twitch watch streams, its currently closed beta so u need a key to play it. I think open beta coming very soon. Its great to see old mofos from wc3 in action once again

“Men are haunted by the vastness of eternity and so we ask ourselves will our actions echo across the centuries? Will strangers hear our names long after we're gone, and wonder who we were? How bravely we fought? How fiercely we loved?”