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Bbot turns off/pause radomly
Hello, my bbot from time to time stops. There disappears all HUDs then character is standing in one place until you click the mouse on the game screen appear. Then all HUDs and bbot further functions starts to work - if you will not do, character is standing w/o healing and other bot functions till he's dead. What could be causing this?
You are using own scripts or forums scripts?
I noticed that it only happens on one user scripts. On the other scripts everything works as it should. But it may be caused by using a different multi client than the built-in bot - I mean Neomc?

ehh, I bot 3 characters now. It stops even on tested scripts Sad

It looks like it kills monster, then it stands in place and bot is taking screenshot. So its probably looter problem, but I never had it.
When you use only one tibia client, this bug occurs?
No, but even a few days ago I used mc with same scripts as now and everything was fine
You're using only neoMc or bbot mc too?
For me it happened too when I was botting on Linux. But It was only 2-3 times (for 2-3 months). I don't know reason (Propably out of memory - Bbot was running on SWAP memory)
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Last night tried with bbot mc instead of neomc - same result, one of four character died. Everytime it takes screenshot like that:
As u can see corpse isn't fresh, char is standing there for +- 5 minutes, all HUDs dissapears too. Tried to bot without HUDs but It didn't help Sad. Im user of windows 7, 8gb ram.

btw. Don't ask how it is possible that the salamanders killed me because it's not important, Im worried about my mainSmile
Post or send by pm the script that you're using.
Those two for example, [Knight][Venore]~ I used long time before - without errors, now it's stops too Sad
Botting 2 characters now, one using venore salamanders. I check tibia clients from time to time, and it still works for 4h.

@This night I'll try to bot 3 clients instead of 4/5, will see if anything changes Smile

Attached Files
.bbot   [Knight][Venore]Salamander Cave + depositer.bbot (Size: 17.08 KB / Downloads: 59)
.bbot   (K) Salamanders Cave North East Cave 100% AFK.bbot (Size: 9.34 KB / Downloads: 57)
Anything changes?
All my characters were logged out, they managed to survive for 15 minutes and the system logged off them :/ Same as before, got screenshots with killed monsters nearby. Idk if its my fault, I changed nothing since the last use when everything was fine. I'll delete actual bbot folder, then download new one. I hope it work.. Smile
When the functions of bbot stop, any error file is generated?
I've got one in bbot.txt:
Quote:[Error] c_UseItem -> Invalid Position, 32877 31895 8 -> 32822 31937 7 82 36 80 C1 7C 07 7A 46 03 03 [10 .. 0]
But idk if its the reason, because now 2 of my 3 logged out. 3th died (by player, so its ok). I can't bot like this, its pointless because I can't even afk and I see u can't find the reason Sad
hmm , by what i see you said Only when you click on screen the bbot Unfreezes right?

Maby you are pressing Shit+Ins ?

This function pauses the bot , if a Pk is attacking you , no need to go into bot , cavebot and disable it and killer and all that.

SO yea, were you pressing Shift+ins by any chance? ^^

Hello! , If i Helped a Rep+ would be nice, Thank you !!! Wink
Yes, this function pauses bot. Sometimes I use it when I need it, but click on screen won't unfreeze, and there is message at the top of screen calling that bot is paused - press shift + ins to unpause. When it stop working for me, there is no HUDs, msg or other functions of bot until I click on the client :/ I changed compatibility to windows 7, will test this night if this error still occurs Smile btw. Im afk, so I can't click shift + ins accidently and I've got alarms when someone attacks me

@Same.. even with compatiblity. I always switch off the computer monitor, it could be the reason?

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