Hello everyone. I want to publish my macros. Some of them are advanced and unique on this forum. All of this macros have been wirtten by me.
I dont want duplicate macros, so if you dont find here needed macro click here:
If you don't know how to run macros click here:
1. 100% Safe exit after Death:
[macro]500 {temple close} Creatures.ByName(Kasmir)>=1 Tibia.Close()[/macro]
You have to change a NPCName(Default: Kasmir - Darashia Temple)
2. Equip stealth ring when monsters around more than 2
[macro]500 {ring} Creatures.ByRange(3)>=3 [a] Creatures.PlayersOnRange(3)==1 Self.Equip.Ring(3049) {a} Creatures.ByRange(3)<3 Self.UnEquip.Ring(0) [/macro]
3. Throw Gold on Target (Player only)
[macro]500 {throwGold} target:=Creature.Attacking() Creature.DistanceToSelf(!target!)<=6 Creature.IsPlayer(!target!)==1 X:=Creature.X(!target!) Y:=Creature.Y(!target!) Z:=Creature.Z(!target!) Map.Thrown(3031, 1, !X!, !Y!, !Z!) [/macro]
4. Change weapon for knife if less than 2 monsters
[macro]500 {changeWeapon} weapon1:=SWORD_ID weapon2:=KNIFE_ID Creatures.ByRange(3)>2 [else] Self.Inventory.LeftHand()<>!weapon1! Self.Equip.LeftHand(!weapon1!) {else} Creatures.ByRange(3)<=2 Self.Inventory.LeftHand()<>!weapon2! Self.Equip.LeftHand(!weapon2!) [/macro]
5. Avalanche when more than 2 creatures in range 2sqm and no players on screen else cast exori frigo
[macro]0 {Avalanche} Creatures.ByRange(2)<=2 [a] Self.Say(exori frigo) {a} Creatures.ByRange(2)>2 [b] target:=Creature.Attacking() Creatures.PlayersOnScreen()==1 [c] Creature.ShootOn(!target!, 3161) {c} Creatures.PlayersOnScreen()>1 Self.Say(exori frigo) {b} [/macro]
6. Claw of "The Noxious Spawn" when Poisoned
[macro]500 {Claw} Status.Poison()==1 Hotkey.Use(9392)[/macro]
7. Wasted Spears (and others) Counter - Left Hand (<--)
[macro]100 {CountSpearsEngine} !wastedAmmo!==0 [a] wastedAmmo:=0 {a} Self.Inventory.LeftHand.Count()>=!lastAmmoCount! [b] lastAmmoCount:=Self.Inventory.LeftHand.Count() {b} Self.Inventory.LeftHand.Count()<!lastAmmoCount! [c] lostAmmo:=!lastAmmoCount! tempAmmo:=Self.Inventory.LeftHand.Count() Dec(lostAmmo, !tempAmmo!) Inc(wastedAmmo, !lostAmmo!) lastAmmoCount:=Self.Inventory.LeftHand.Count() {c} [/macro]
[macro]3650 {CountSpearsHUD} HUD.Setup(3, 3, 255, 255, 0) HUD.Display(Count Ammo By Nobody:) HUD.Setup(3, 3, 255, 255, 255) Self.Inventory.LeftHand()<>0 [checkid] idAmmo:=Self.Inventory.LeftHand() {checkid} !idAmmo!==3277 [s] HUD.Display(Spears: !wastedAmmo!) {s} !idAmmo!==7368 [as] HUD.Display(Assasin Stars: !wastedAmmo!) {as} !idAmmo!==7378 [rs] HUD.Display(Royal Spears: !wastedAmmo!) {rs} !idAmmo!==7367 [es] HUD.Display(Enchanted Spear: !wastedAmmo!) {es} !idAmmo!==1781 [ss] HUD.Display(Small Stones: !wastedAmmo!) {ss} !idAmmo!==2992 [sb] HUD.Display(Snowballs: !wastedAmmo!) {sb} !idAmmo!==3298 [tk] HUD.Display(Throwing Knifes: !wastedAmmo!) {tk} !idAmmo!==3287 [ts] HUD.Display(Throwing Stars: !wastedAmmo!) {ts} !idAmmo!==7366 [vs] HUD.Display(Viper Stars: !wastedAmmo!) {vs} [/macro]
If u want reset counter go to variables and click "save"
8. Wasted Arrows/Bolts Counter - Left Hand (<--)
[macro]100 {CountAmmoEngine} !wastedAmmo!==0 [a] wastedAmmo:=0 {a} Self.Inventory.Ammunition.Count()>=!lastAmmoCount! [b] lastAmmoCount:=Self.Inventory.Ammunition.Count() {b} Self.Inventory.Ammunition.Count()<!lastAmmoCount! [c] lostAmmo:=!lastAmmoCount! tempAmmo:=Self.Inventory.Ammunition.Count() Dec(lostAmmo, !tempAmmo!) Inc(wastedAmmo, !lostAmmo!) lastAmmoCount:=Self.Inventory.Ammunition.Count() {c} [/macro]
[macro]3650 {CountAmmoHUD} HUD.Setup(3, 3, 255, 255, 0) HUD.Display(Count Ammo By Nobody:) HUD.Setup(3, 3, 255, 255, 255) Self.Inventory.Ammunition()<>0 [checkid] idAmmo:=Self.Inventory.Ammunition() {checkid} !idAmmo!==761 [fa] HUD.Display(Flash Arrows: !wastedAmmo!) {fa} !idAmmo!==762 [sa] HUD.Display(Shiver Arrows: !wastedAmmo!) {sa} !idAmmo!==763 [fla] HUD.Display(Flaming Arrows: !wastedAmmo!) {fla} !idAmmo!==774 [ea] HUD.Display(Earth Arrows: !wastedAmmo!) {ea} !idAmmo!==3239 [ca] HUD.Display(Crystal Arrows: !wastedAmmo!) {ca} !idAmmo!==3447 [a] HUD.Display(Arrow: !wastedAmmo!) {a} !idAmmo!==3448 [pa] HUD.Display(Poison Arrows: !wastedAmmo!) {pa} !idAmmo!==16143 [ena] HUD.Display(Envenomed Arrows: !wastedAmmo!) {ena} !idAmmo!==7364 [sna] HUD.Display(Sniper Arrows: !wastedAmmo!) {sna} !idAmmo!==7365 [oa] HUD.Display(Onyx Arrows: !wastedAmmo!) {oa} !idAmmo!==14251 [ta] HUD.Display(Tarsal Arrows: !wastedAmmo!) {ta} !idAmmo!==3446 [b] HUD.Display(Bolts: !wastedAmmo!) {b} !idAmmo!==3450 [pb] HUD.Display(Power Bolts: !wastedAmmo!) {pb} !idAmmo!==6528 [ib] HUD.Display(Infernal Bolts: !wastedAmmo!) {ib} !idAmmo!==7363 [pib] HUD.Display(Piercing Bolts: !wastedAmmo!) {pib} !idAmmo!==14252 [vb] HUD.Display(Vortex Bolts: !wastedAmmo!) {vb} !idAmmo!==16141 [prb] HUD.Display(Prismatic Bolts: !wastedAmmo!) {prb} !idAmmo!==16142 [db] HUD.Display(Drill Bolts: !wastedAmmo!) {db} [/macro]
If u want reset counter go to variables and click "save"
9. PK Say on adverstising channel when attacked by Player
[macro]0 {pksay} Self.SayInChannel(5, PK Darashia Minotaurs!!!) [/macro]
You have to add in protector this macro (Attacked By Player) and you must have opened adverstising channel
10. Exevo Mas san when more than x monsters
[macro]500 {mas san} Creatures.ByRange(3)>=5 Creatures.PlayersOnScreen()==01 Self.Say(Exevo mas san) [/macro]
11. Equip energy ring when less than x hp
[macro]50 {ring when low hp} ringID:=3051 health:=200 Self.Health()<=!health! [else] Self.Equip.Ring(!ringID!) {else} Self.Health()>!health! Self.UnEquip.Ring(0)[/macro]
- Go to depo + logout on 9:30 and wait for server save: