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Money Maker Free Proyect 100% AFK by Xolink FIXED AND RELOADED

Money Maker Free Proyect
[Image: Salamander.gif] [Image: Emerald_Damselfly.gif] [Image: Swampling.gif] [Image: Marsh_Stalker.gif]

Hello friends. I bring again the Money maker proyect fixed and reloaded due to poor creating the WPT had errors , but have already been solved, all scripts have been put to test . OK let's start .


With the new arrangements , you will not have to worry more about not being able to chase the monsters .
Just configure your Tibia Client in this way, and go! : D

[Image: config2a.jpg]

BBot Bakcpack SetUp

[Image: 5rGeCXA.jpg]


This script works with Chars lvl 8-60 , is the most recommended because at a higher level , stamina is wasted. For level 60 + I recommend you use my script coryms , you click on the link to go to the Post.


As we can hunt from level 8 , departing from Rookgard we can use the Set that give us there , I recommend using a plate set at lvl 30 to make more effective the script

This are images of 5 chars which were for 40 hours without interruption, clear , exept when stamina reaches 14 hours, we stop to recharge stamina.

[Image: profit1.jpg]

[Image: profitg.jpg]

[Image: profit2.jpg]


.bbot   [Knight] Damselfly Main Cave.bbot (Size: 9.1 KB / Downloads: 1,015)
[Image: JWudsrH.jpg]

.bbot   [Knight] Damselfly Nort Cave.bbot (Size: 8.54 KB / Downloads: 597)
[Image: YNwLRt6.jpg]

.bbot   [Knight] Damselfy East Cave.bbot (Size: 9.61 KB / Downloads: 547)
[Image: ltlUGxX.jpg]

.bbot   [Knight] Damselfly West Cave.bbot (Size: 9 KB / Downloads: 375)
[Image: oSlaFhi.jpg]

.bbot   [Knight] Salamander South West Cave Venore.bbot (Size: 9.21 KB / Downloads: 499)
[Image: 37Kmnni.jpg]
[Image: pAq4kLP.jpg]

If my advice help u give me some REP ok?, si te ayude regaleme un REP vale?, Se minha idéia te ajudou, manda um REP ae TY, Gracias, Obrigado
Bad Points bank venore bug goind down
on wich one? it canot br :=/ all script work fine, tell me in wich one is the problema, and i'll check it
[Image: pAq4kLP.jpg]

If my advice help u give me some REP ok?, si te ayude regaleme un REP vale?, Se minha idéia te ajudou, manda um REP ae TY, Gracias, Obrigado
i would like to test them, but its not letting me down load it, its showing the points but its not downloading it
you have to use INTERNET EXPLORER to download it
[Image: pAq4kLP.jpg]

If my advice help u give me some REP ok?, si te ayude regaleme un REP vale?, Se minha idéia te ajudou, manda um REP ae TY, Gracias, Obrigado
(03-03-2014, 03:31 PM)xolink Wrote: you have to use INTERNET EXPLORER to download it

i try whit IE and didint work :S!
the problema its your browser my friend try another
[Image: pAq4kLP.jpg]

If my advice help u give me some REP ok?, si te ayude regaleme un REP vale?, Se minha idéia te ajudou, manda um REP ae TY, Gracias, Obrigado
i dont think is the browser, already try whit IE, chrome and fire fox, im gonna have to make them by my self tho haha, tnx anyways bro
Where is exp/h gp/h?
I can't download!
u must check dude, i have test to download with IE, Firefox and Chrome and its imposible, just open another flange (pestaña? es correcto?)

Im mexican to and user of ur scrips Smile
this is wear cause i can download it, maybr youre antivirus maybe :/ or you have some plugin on your browser that dont let you download it :/, as you can see, someone else have download it all ready
[Image: pAq4kLP.jpg]

If my advice help u give me some REP ok?, si te ayude regaleme un REP vale?, Se minha idéia te ajudou, manda um REP ae TY, Gracias, Obrigado
so, if anyone dowload plx pm and send via email to me cuz i cant dowload

Me too if u can. Smile
Downloaded all and tested. Every single one works fine for me. Thanks rep is urs bro.
Btw now there's a lot of botters and it's hard to get what u got on ur screen after 40 hours, it's just funny when u meet 80 lvl there instead of coryms xD
Links are not working, can someone reupload for me attachments?
Where do i start?
Guy very good idea for bot i got 158k and very much products and
potions with 3 ek lvl29,21,8

Thanks your scripts work well
rate added Big Grin

(03-08-2014, 07:32 PM)leonel13jaime Wrote: so, if anyone dowload plx pm and send via email to me cuz i cant dowload

you need to have internet explorer to download it
just open same thread in internet explorer thats all Smile
I opened in Internet Explorer and did not work.
Can someone send me by email Please!!!!!!!!????????
internet explorer 11?
[Image: pAq4kLP.jpg]

If my advice help u give me some REP ok?, si te ayude regaleme un REP vale?, Se minha idéia te ajudou, manda um REP ae TY, Gracias, Obrigado

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