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[All voc]Dworc Port Hope
[Image: Dworc_Voodoomaster.gif] Dworcs by Ruleoxd [Image: Dworc_Voodoomaster.gif]

Hello i want to share my own script for this dworcs in Port Hope, in download script say Master Sorcerer, but u can configure for other voc, only need a decent weapon to kill them :3

[table=95][tr][th]Vocation[/th][th]Scrpit[/th][th]Place[/th][th]Monsters[/th][/tr][tr][td]All vocation [/td][td]
.bbot   [Adame][MS]Voodoo.bbot (Size: 20.34 KB / Downloads: 179) [/td][td]Port Hope- Tiquanda/Trapwood[/td][td]
[Image: Dworc_Voodoomaster.gif][Image: Tarantula.gif][Image: Dworc_Fleshhunter.gif][/td][/tr][/table]

You can start in Port Hope DP ! Have deposit and refill


Need to change this line on script

Quote:MapTool (32631 32876 8:Target: 2296 Use: (put id of ur weapon) Pos: 32631 32877 8)

To destroy a wall !

I hope u will give REP+ clicking \/ D:

Thank you!~
This is a new era to TibiaAngel ! xd <-- JOIN AND HELP :3
I tried all night, there is some bugs and because of this a guy killed me and putted me 4 times out of the temple and killed me again :S

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