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All my script is buggy stopped selling...
All my script is buggy stopped selling items, keeps repeating "hi trade, trade hi, hi trade" and not sell anything on NPCs. what should I do?

Example code for sell Romelha of venore
Fixed (32914 32115 6)
Say (32914 32115 6: hi)
Npcsay (32914 32115 6: 200)
Where's the point Sell X Y Z ID ?
(05-29-2014, 07:29 PM)damiansnk Wrote: Where's the point Sell X Y Z ID ?

Sorry not put a whole code because it was an example.

this is an example of how would the sale of a steel helmet, this code worked perfectly but it does not know why it does not.

Fixed (32914 32115 6)
Say (32914 32115 6: hi)
Npcsay (32914 32115 6: trade)
Sell ​​(32914 32115 6: 3351)
I tried using the code in this way does not work also, can someone tell which is the correct way to sell now or in the npc is actually a bug in this version?

NPC: Yanni

Fixed (32908 32113 6)
Say (32908 32113 6:hi)
NPCSay (32908 32113 6:trade)
FullCheck (32908 32113 6:Full Trade Open Else Enter to Sell Code IsTradeOpen==1)
Label (32908 32113 6:Trade Open)
Sell (32908 32113 6:3264)
Sell (32908 32113 6:3367)
Sell (32908 32113 6:3353)
Sell (32908 32113 6:3286)
Sell (32908 32113 6:3351)

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