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RP PACC - Cyclopolis Edron - Lv30+ 100% AFk
Good Morning.
Today I want to present my hot RP script.

It is 100% AFK
Ensures good Xp, not much gold, but it pays to hunt (max wast 200-400gp).

The hunt has several checks - to ensure greater security, so you do not exhaust supplies and die.

Start: Dp Edron or Cyclopolis

XP/h -> 40-60k/h with PLUS (depend your skills)
Money -> depends your lucky
Lv -> RP 30 +
Skills -> 70/60 (to a less difficult hunt)

Equip (i used): Demon Shield, Zaoan Legs, Paladin Armor, Royal Helmet, Pirate Boots, Platinum amulet on a RP 32.

Mp: 30 (refills)
Hp: 20 (refills)
Royal Spear: 18 (refills)
Brown Mushrrom: 50 (refils)


Macros: "Anti Forniture Trap", "auto mont"

Please, if you like REP+, and I shall be posting more RP scripts (low lv and hight lv)

Cya, enjoy!
Luiz F.

obs: sry my english

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.bbot   PALA - Cyclopolis Edron - lv30.bbot (Size: 15.06 KB / Downloads: 399)
Plz, feedback Smile
its a nice script men works fine for me i give you rep

do you have more nice scripts for rp lvl 40 /50 /60?

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