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Help with Rune attacking

Im hunting DLs, I just set it to exori frigo then, Im sorcerer... and I did a macro to shoot avalanche runes when there are more than 2 DLs.... Well, here comes my doubt, how can I do to when there are more than 2 DLs in my screen, he STOPS to cast exori frigo and attack them only with avalanches? and after, it comes back to cast exrori frigo when safer?

thanks in advance...

another thing, is there anyway to walk faster? gosh im taking the half exp/hours i'd get hunting manually...
Create macro to fight with monsters (exori frigo) and add Your Avalanche macro there with variable
Quote:ex. Creatures.OnScreen()<2 Self.Say(exori frigo)
and when creatures will be more than 1 on screen he will be attack avalanche

Quote:500 {Avalanche Shooter} target:=Creature.Target() IDRUNE:=3161 Creatures.OnScreen()>=2 Creatures.PlayersOnScreen==01 Creature.ShootOn(!target!, !IDRUNE!) Exit()
I'm trying HELP You guys, make me favour and press this /\ green button with REP+, this keeping me with helping You.

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