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[EK] 50+ Facc Rorc Ab'dendriel.
Best Cash Maker Spawn for low lvl FACC !

25-40k Exp/h
12k/h at Empty Spawn

Script buying 120MP . Buy manualy 20-30 SHP ( better have if pk )

Put many bp at bp in Ab'dendriel Depo, and take 10-15 BP at BP for Lot with you.

Script was tested from 40 to 82lvl (200h+) and works great, never stucked.

[Image: rorc_lot.jpg]

Attached Files
.bbot   [EK] 50+ Rorc Ab SHP by Toszek.bbot (Size: 11.75 KB / Downloads: 1,253)
very good scrypt bro but on 49 knight i got 10k/h profit + 3k/h waste = 7k/h gain Smile

and i dont know about loot wool toth chain amulet for me its waste of slot nobody want to buy it Smile
I don;t know why but i died 2 times by Rorc :/ (50ek)
I helped you? My script is good?
Give me a reputation point Smile Thank you!

[Image: banner.gif]
it works perfect for me
and i dont take wolf tooth so profit could be more
look at this
i think u need 50 lvl to use shp soo u need 50 lvl to exp here[/b]
no bro that char start there level 40 when i finish minotaur task
You can sell Wolf Tootch Chain 100x Each at Port Hope, so everyone who have pacc at other account shoud drop it to bp, after 24h i usually have 600-800 Wolf Tootch Chain's = 60-80k profit more. : p
45 kina
skils 70/70~~
with 3 people i have 3.4-3.5 k profit not bad
add ss

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Everything works perfect, but when I started using this script my noob char got deleted.
my noob char using this script already 3x month's and stiil no banished... Big Grin
Seems like it was just a bad luck for me Big Grin. The script is really good anyways Wink
works fine! rep added 45 kina 68 sword crown armor knight legs warrior's shield assassin dagger warrior helmet 6k/h profit 25k/h exp including refillers. just need to buy lighter eq and get higher lvl cuz to often refilling
This skill is a machine of the profit, lvl 67 knight
[Image: lootrorc-1182858.png]
As i said , for the moment this place is THE BEST place for getting profit as FACC Account , also before 70lvl for Pacc too, cuz at Tortois you will never get +5k profit/h , whilst at Rorc's it could be more than 10k / h. : p
[Image: d464x0.jpg]

I agree with all of you guys Smile.
i go test this script on my knight lvl 65!
thanks bro
np. guys Smile
started to testing it at 35 ek with 73 skill after 4h everything is ok and i get 2 lv more after hunt i ll attach screen Smile rep+ Smile

[Image: dd91e1d9cfa35944m.jpg]

i dont know if screen shoot will be attached cuz i m doing it first time on that forum Wink

i think i need to buy f axe and better shield cuz my waste is much bigger than yours lads!

But I'm very happy with that script Smile


there was about 4-5 ppl for couple of hours ;o
Script good I didn't knew rorcs are so profitable Smile but was reconnect set up and 2 knight died and keep going from temple and I got from 60lvl too 20 x.x my fault anyway. Also is very popular on secura and quilia ppl walking same waypoints what me I just changed waypoints on spawn and is good

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