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Opening the door//Otwieranie drzwi

I'm looking for a script to open the door if you stand in the place of minute (a few minutes), if possible please help !!

// PL
/Szukam skryptu na otwieranie drzwi jeżeli się stoi w miejscu minute(kilka minut), jeżeli jest to możliwe to proszę o pomoc!!

Map.Use(ID, X, Y, Z, Range) Use a item from the Map (Ports) (Returns: Yes=1; No=0)
I'm trying HELP You guys, make me favour and press this /\ green button with REP+, this keeping me with helping You.
Point (x y z)
Point (x y z)
Macro (x y z:Use Door)
Point (x y z)

Try macro:
0 {Use Door} X:=Self.X Y:=Self.Y Z:=Self.Z Map.Use(IDCLOSEDDOOR, !X!, !Y!, !Z!, 3)

Edit: IDCLOSEDDOOR to ID of closed door.
Example: Map.Use(1234, !X!, !Y!, !Z!, 3)
thx kaiquegabriel

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