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MS Task Maker Up to 200
I want to introduce you to my Sorcerer, it was created quite long time ago...
Now it's time to turn ON this mage Wink
For today
[Image: jzv3nt.jpg]
Need to raise my Mlvl, so i'll waste some cash from my lovely cash maker Wink.
Night report, went to apes, with my Task maker script, which u got bellow, but, unfortunatelly died and lost pair of soft boots. Awww that pain when i woke up...

Okay, today i got free day at university so i decided to go at morning manually with my EK a little bit.
[Image: 2dakqx4.jpg]
Nice hunt on hellspawns, little waste after calculate, but exp was srsly delicious, in peak i've reached around 350k/h. Ofc in team
So after that i launch one more time my Ape script, which ended with success 3 tasks. Then i went with Damiansnk script to end my currently running tarantula script, previous got 2 points on stome golems also with damian script.
So time to give u somethin that show my progress.
Last advance at my Sorcerrer
[Image: 2edtkkl.jpg]
and some mlvl, which is horrible, need to waste some Gp's on him :/.
[Image: 23mvpqq.jpg]
Finally new rank (10points in 6-7 hrs)
[Image: 348iv6q.jpg]

and at the end of the day, when duties came out one more advance at EK this time with full AFK Wink
[Image: 2i6mjdd.jpg]

Stonegolems & tarantulas made by damiansnk(UGI)
Apes by me
Beware when using this script, my server is non-pvp so, im using AOE spells, rune shooters which not including safety cast !!!

#info about Ape script#
Exp = +/- 70k/h without stamina
Profit = 0/+ depends on luck and ape fur cost at your server
Go to apes with avalanche, banuta -2. Soft refill included. You can turn off this by changing full check after he bought supplies.
Hits with avalanche when 3 monkey (all types) are in reach, there's the warning. When bot chase after monkey's like singbad, or merlkin, he dont throw it, so it could be dangerous when he lure. That's why kongra have big priority. Maybe u could fix it, i dunno how to make him shoot ;D.
Why it's task maker ? Because he's goin to grizzly after every refill, finishing the task and get the new one.

Attached Files
.bbot   [MS_ED] Apes Task Soft Ref.bbot (Size: 18.51 KB / Downloads: 99)
.bbot   PH Taranty North 33+ task by Ugi .bbot (Size: 9.99 KB / Downloads: 98)
nice project

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