01-24-2016, 01:17 AM
1. Avoid looting items when creature was not killed by your hand,
Use "Browse Field" when you're using "Loot after kill" feature.
2. Some says that BBot can't handle sorcerers/druids scripts, in few of those arguments i can agree. There is missing 2 things which one can highly increase using BBot for mages and paladins also.
No offence MegaNobody, im using BBot about 3 years and can't imagine how could i use any other atm ^^ Keep it on mind and do sth, it will really help us a lot
1. Avoid looting items when creature was not killed by your hand,
Use "Browse Field" when you're using "Loot after kill" feature.
2. Some says that BBot can't handle sorcerers/druids scripts, in few of those arguments i can agree. There is missing 2 things which one can highly increase using BBot for mages and paladins also.
- First, if you have no access to open corpuse (You're not owner) BBot automaticly avoiding it or even avoid those creatures which one have no items inside, typed in looter. Imagine a situation with 4 others botters at 1 spawn place, they all just keeping forward when one of em took 1 monster, then someone next who have got more EXP than rest opening his monster, and you're at the end of this chain and you just trying to open it all. Wired and annoying sometimes. 4 of 'em taking all EXP anyways, you stay botting with nothing.
- Second, Browse field, when creature is placed under next one or even when some1 put on it item. I have done Dwarf Guard script for my mage, he is 34 atm - was 35 few mins ago. First time i have set "loot before kill" but it was completly helpless situation, had to sustain a lot of dmg on me. Next i have set "Loot after kill", but when there is 8 Guards at my screens sometimes they dying at same sqm, it was nothing for me because hes wasting a lot anyways, but then i missed few iron ores... Decided to place that theard here, because many of us probably botting in much better places, where they can lose thousents of gp. Anyway, this feature could help BBot in getting new customers and rising fast.
No offence MegaNobody, im using BBot about 3 years and can't imagine how could i use any other atm ^^ Keep it on mind and do sth, it will really help us a lot