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Bonelord Ab'dendriel
You must have parcels and catch colors around hole in Ab'dendriel. Bot logout here and appears in ab'dendriel temple, then it depositer refill and go again

all you need is parcels, some time, 25 lvl is enought to hunt, key to hellgate, and residence in Ab'dendriel.
It's my first script on forum so please don't be rude Wink

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.bbot   Bonelord Hellgate.bbot (Size: 8.67 KB / Downloads: 118)
I'll test when I go to my pc. Thanks.
i took it from ugi and then fixed it to be 100% afk but thanks for sharing to the community, this is how it is supposed to be people got mad with him for taking it out tho :x
Anyone tasted it ? Opinions ? I can change something if you want to.
this isnt right i have paid for it
You paid for ugi script i made it by myself, so it's the difference.

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