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Kazordoon - Dwarf Guard for Mages 101% AFK
Dwarf Guard - Kazordoon Mines

[tr][td]Area:[/td][td]Dwarf Guard - Kazordoon Mines[/td][/tr]
[td][Image: Dwarf_Guard.gif]
Semi resistant: [Image: Ikona_Fizyka.gif][Image: Ikona_Earth.gif]
Vulnerable: [Image: Ikona_Death.gif][Image: Ikona_Fire.gif]
[tr][td]Depot, Bank:[/td][td]Kazordoon[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]EQ:[/td][td][Image: qDBeEXY.png][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Settings:[/td][td][Image: Ug286ve.png][/td][/tr]

There is 2 kinds of script, with supplies withdrawer or buyer, chose required for you.
  • Withdrawer - Bot is picking from depot GFB and Mana Potions and going hunt.
    While using withdrawer, you need to have 2 backpack in Depot I - Thais, first backpack for loot, second for GFB and Mana Potions

  • Buyer - takin required gold from bank, and going shop.

Bot specifications:
  • Bot have completly non-stackable shop.
  • Configure Variables for repot!
  • Bot is using GFB when Dwarf Guard => 3
  • Bot avoiding to open whole creatures except Dwarf Guard
  • There is macro for auto equiping Life Rings when Dwarf Guard on screen.
    You can add this line to withdrawer 3052 3 (here is example -
    PHP Code:
    SupliesWithdraw (32660 31914 8:3191 40;268 100;3052 3
    ) to withdraw 3 Life Rings from second backpack in Depot I - Thais. (You can use mine Deepling Kazordoon script to collect Life Rings)

Advanced Tools - Variables

[/td][/tr][tr][td]Exp per hour:[/td][td] ~33k/h [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Gold per hour:[/td][td]-3.5k/h[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Loot:[/td][td][Image: Gold_Coin.gif][Image: Iron_Ore.gif][Image: Coal.gif][Image: Small_Amethyst.gif][Image: Axe_Ring.gif][/td][/tr][/table]

.bbot   KAZORDOON - Dwarf Guard mine 3 mages.bbot (Size: 13.85 KB / Downloads: 88)
.bbot   KAZORDOON - Dwarf Guard mine 3 mages - withdrawer.bbot (Size: 10.44 KB / Downloads: 67)
.bbot   KAZORDOON - Dwarf Guard mine 4 mages.bbot (Size: 15.45 KB / Downloads: 77)
.bbot   KAZORDOON - Dwarf Guard mine 4 mages - withdrawer.bbot (Size: 12.02 KB / Downloads: 72)
.bbot   KAZORDOON - Dwarf Guard mine 5 mages.bbot (Size: 14.29 KB / Downloads: 108)
.bbot   KAZORDOON - Dwarf Guard mine 5 mages - withdrawer.bbot (Size: 10.91 KB / Downloads: 79)
.bbot   KAZORDOON - Dwarf Guard mine 6 mages.bbot (Size: 14.37 KB / Downloads: 94)
.bbot   KAZORDOON - Dwarf Guard mine 6 mages - withdrawer.bbot (Size: 10.98 KB / Downloads: 72)
[Image: sGmYH7p.png]

Great script was using it before, love it Smile !
i should have gfb in hotkeys?
on yourself/crosshair/target?


dead on 41 sorc,
i changed to 1 sqm from guards, cuz when 3 he is luring like 6 guards
mine 5 or mine 6 better?Smile
(02-05-2016, 08:02 AM)grzeszczur Wrote: i should have gfb in hotkeys?
on yourself/crosshair/target?


dead on 41 sorc,
i changed to 1 sqm from guards, cuz when 3 he is luring like 6 guards
mine 5 or mine 6 better?Smile

You don't have to use it at hotkeys Smile
Im using mine 5, cause 6 (crus helmet) is much more active - pk, other players etc.
when 1 you're gettin hit everytime, bot using exura a lot and wasting much more mana potions Smile

How could you die at 41? Big Grin i was hunting cave 6 since 33 and died once cause of lag. You sure you have exura gran? ^^
[Image: sGmYH7p.png]

Yee. Seenken is right. Im using my own script on deepest cave in 5th and 6th mines sorc 33 is pretty enoght with gfb and I never died. On pally u can start at 30-35 lvl and is also good. Check ur spells and attackes sequences. Did u seen ho're u dieing?
i use crus helm quest mine, on chrona at -2 guards were spawned 7 guards and diedTongue
but nvm still using this and i am 45, facc sdker Big Grin

gfb macro is save? i mean pvp ofc
(02-06-2016, 07:34 AM)grzeszczur Wrote: i use crus helm quest mine, on chrona at -2 guards were spawned 7 guards and diedTongue
but nvm still using this and i am 45, facc sdker Big Grin

gfb macro is save? i mean pvp ofc

Chroma is retro PVP right? Nope, it's not ^^

PHP Code:
.ByName(Dwarf Guard)>=3
.ShootOn(!target!, !IDRUNE!) 

Replace this Macro GFB
[Image: sGmYH7p.png]

changed, thx
(02-06-2016, 10:17 AM)grzeszczur Wrote: changed, thx

NP Mate! Always ready to help Smile You're free to use Rep Button Smile


Added Mine 3 - buyer and withdrawer!

Mine 4 (Dwarven Axe Mine) this evening or tomorrow early hours.
[Image: sGmYH7p.png]

hmm gfb save dont work :/
added, which mine will be the best exp/h?

500 {Shot Area Rune} Creatures.OnScreen()>3 Creatures.PlayersOnScreen()==1 creature:=Creature.Attacking() Creature.ShootOn(!creature!, ID OF RUNE)
that work ;d

time hunting 8;30h
waste 16k
but got lootbag
19:42 You see a grey bag (Vol:8).
It weighs 14185.00 oz.
(02-06-2016, 02:24 PM)grzeszczur Wrote: hmm gfb save dont work :/
added, which mine will be the best exp/h?

500 {Shot Area Rune} Creatures.OnScreen()>3 Creatures.PlayersOnScreen()==1 creature:=Creature.Attacking() Creature.ShootOn(!creature!, ID OF RUNE)
that work ;d

time hunting 8;30h
waste 16k
but got lootbag
19:42 You see a grey bag (Vol:8).
It weighs 14185.00 oz.

Well done mate! I guess mine 4 (Dwarven Axe) will be best, but difference between is 2-3k exp/h Smile


What you think should i made all caves in 1 scripts, like mine salamanders? Then you will be able to use variables to set hunting cave. Also i can make variables to buyer and withdrawer (can make for withdrawing mana potions only, or gfb only, same both in same time) Smile
[Image: sGmYH7p.png]

I guess crusader helmet is best place
2 floors with guards and giant spiders kill with fireball I had 35-38k on 50 sorc
Added Mine 4 (Dwarven Axe Quest)

(02-06-2016, 09:39 PM)damiansnk Wrote: I guess crusader helmet is best place
2 floors with guards and giant spiders kill with fireball I had 35-38k on 50 sorc

Indeed, but i have not made GS hunt. Ill do it someday for sure Smile
[Image: sGmYH7p.png]

hiho, i have a problem. refil going to depo with 80 mana potion, whats wrong ?
(02-09-2016, 12:52 PM)kazik123456 Wrote: hiho, i have a problem. refil going to depo with 80 mana potion, whats wrong ?

Which scipts you're using i'll take a look Smile
[Image: sGmYH7p.png]

already works well Smile)
REP +++++
on my 60 sorc i made 25k/h and a little waste but bbot don't count iron ores and axe ringsi hunt about 10 hours and noone enter to cave. I think it's amazing script. Thanks Smile
Yee dwarfs are pretty good for all vocs on facc

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