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Deleted, about proxy, help please.
So... today I got deleted on bank characters, more than 70kk+ or whatever, I made in the last 3 months, lost

I connected on bot chars and bank chars on the same time at the same IP

All 3 bank accounts (60 chars) lost

I was making money on 400 accounts(100 mc per time), I didn't use bot on bank chars, I didn't have other option than to log in the bank chars and bot chars with mc, because Bbot haven't much of an option to send the loot to bank chars. I made a script to gather the itens from dp and throw on depot of bank char, also to throw on same char's depot to later on sell on maket of bank chars.

Cip investigated me deeply

I don't intend to stop playing, but now I aint got money to pay premmy nor pay my VPS's anymore

What can I do to avoid being deleted like this again? Maybe proxy? How does that work? Any new information on my situation?
Thanks in advance

150kk+* if I were going to sell itens on market
Same IP
Same accounts style, ej.: bbotone1, bbotone2, bbotone3.
Same email's style, ej.:,
Same street registered account (if isn't registered accounts, disregard)
How did u manage to bot 100mc per time?
NEVER transfer money from bot chars to bank chars
You won't avoid investigations like that. In game every move is registered lol. even drop items on floor and picked up. I'm tryin to sell my chars and money as soon as possible and get some rl profit Big Grin after 2 detection I don't wanna lost too much anymore Big Grin from 1 year cip started ban massive botters and resselers to strictly.. if u know guy zlotoinfo he lost 300 000 kk if u can imagine how much is it 100 x feru hat. he collected that money 12 years and never used bot or anything. Just resold kk's for rl etc.. they banned all his chars. My friend had around 80kk for just deal with boters he us to buy cheap stuff from boters like 10 000 chicken feathers 50 gp each etc u know what I mean. And he was banned even he never use bot or mc. Cip don't like ppls who earn any money in tibia cuz they are their customers. And they prefer to buy pacc for 6 usd from botter than for 7 usd from website. So advice is 1. Get easy and fast same try to sell Big GrinD
(02-19-2016, 07:30 PM)zarize Wrote: How did u manage to bot 100mc per time?

3 computers (2 vps + 1 computer mine)
no anti virus
not big cpu consuming scripts
bbot framerate limit
tibia options framerate limited to 10 fps
tibia minimized
nothing else running on the computer

plus, a program that checks if the char is deleted in website, if it is, it skips the login of that char, and connects my chars from a table with Acc name, Pw, char name, and script to load at that char

my scripts goes back to the hunt after dying, if get rooked, levels up in dawnport, equips, buy spells, and go back to hunt, plus something I'm not revealing right now, that helps a lot

so every day it changes to 100 different chars, making 1 day hunt + 3 days stamina recover

bbot is quite light and helps out running many mc's

(02-19-2016, 08:07 PM)Purple Dream Wrote: NEVER transfer money from bot chars to bank chars

Yeah... but I had no option
I didn't transfer the money
100 accounts I sent parcel
200 accounts I used a script to drop the itens upon the depot of bank char
100 account I sold the itens for 1gp in market for my bank chars

(02-19-2016, 07:27 PM)kaiquegabriel Wrote: Same IP
Same accounts style, ej.: bbotone1, bbotone2, bbotone3.
Same email's style, ej.:,
Same street registered account (if isn't registered accounts, disregard)

I didn't do that


Hey folks, what do you advice me to avoid losing more money in the future?
I'm not playing again until I get proxy
And I'm buying other bot and making a script to go to certain point, drop the loot, go back to dp, log out, the other char will go from depot to drop point, pick up the loot, go depot deposit the loot, then drop it upon the depot of new bank chars
Does u tried send loot to 1 char and after every day moved from that 1 char to other char ? On that last dp char dont login from ur ip and computet best ask any trustec friend to be ur depo. Also dont throw loot from dp to depo just drop on flor and pick it up. When I worked with my farm year ago I asked frie d wh has play manually to create 8 lvl on every world and he operate thoose noobs from his computer. After 8 months all my chara got deleted but not in 1 time. Just server by server. At once cip delete chars from 1 server. And my friend who has nobs didnt got delete. I send all to 1 noob drop on floor and he picked it
I will do as I said previously, with proxy, I hope it works, it was already many hours manually to transfer all 400 accounts loots to bank chars >.<

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