Dear Mega, 
Im trying to improve my Anti Skull / RS macros, (you can see them in my signature).
Right now i'm adding every single SQM that I dont want bot to use exori on.
Could you make at lest one of following features:
Please do you think you can do in any short time?
P.S. I didn't post it in Sugestions because wherever I post something there, it never see a daylight.

Im trying to improve my Anti Skull / RS macros, (you can see them in my signature).
Right now i'm adding every single SQM that I dont want bot to use exori on.
Could you make at lest one of following features:
- Make it possible to create array variable?
It would make it much simpler if i could add array of positions.
For example
X:=32500~1 and positions +/- 1 of that (32499-32501)
- . My another idea would be one or two extra Special SQM, that we could use in macros.
Misc.SpecialSqmA() - gives 0/1 if character stands on SQM that is marked as SpecialSQM A .
Please do you think you can do in any short time?
P.S. I didn't post it in Sugestions because wherever I post something there, it never see a daylight.