08-31-2016, 07:04 AM
Hello, i have a perfect script in ancient scarab(EK) the only problem i have my script for safe exori that i use cast "exori" when 3 monsters are beside me, so my character spam too much cuz ancients summon larvas and the scarab in the cave so i was wondering if any1 can help me to fix my macro only to cast exori when 2 or more ancient scarab are beside me, thx 
pd. i play on retro pvp server so i need a safe spellcast, if a player are in the screen i want to no cast exori
the script that i use:
2000 {Safe Spellcast} Self.Mana>=200 Self.Attacking Creatures.Beside>=3 Creatures.PlayersOnScreen 0 Self.Say(exori)

pd. i play on retro pvp server so i need a safe spellcast, if a player are in the screen i want to no cast exori
the script that i use:
2000 {Safe Spellcast} Self.Mana>=200 Self.Attacking Creatures.Beside>=3 Creatures.PlayersOnScreen 0 Self.Say(exori)