(01-28-2017, 11:25 PM)Sebas domini Wrote: Hey guys i need help, trying to make a script to zao city but when i use a teleport point or fixed point in the flames tp to get to zao city the bot stops, not sure why.
can anyone help me with a
-flame tp macro or solution
-farmine city lever macro
You don't need macro for farmine levers (for any levers

). You just need to make 2 map tools (on every levers ID because when you pull lever ID is changing to another)
For example you can see how i made it;
Fixed (32993 31547 4)
MapTool (32993 31547 4:Target: 2773 Use: 0 Pos: 32994 31547 4)
MapTool (32993 31547 4:Target: 2772 Use: 0 Pos: 32994 31547 4)
Fixed (33061 31527 10)
For teleports you need to make manual step macro and Add it to cavebot after making Fixed Point
Fixed (33145 31247 6)
Macro (33145 31247 6:North)
Fixed (33197 31347 6)
Macro for step (you can change it for other ways);
0 {North} 0 {go north} Self.StepNorth()
Remember this is MANUAL kind of macro (it will work only when you will Add it after fixed point)
If i helped You, please give rep+