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Confirm red text
I need a macro to rewrite the confirmu code which pops up on the server log.
The message appears in red.

18:23 (called by Auto) Hello Filip! A system is reported to check whether a given player is at the computer and the action are not programmed by tools such as: macro or bot. To confirm that you are at the computer, enter within 600 seconds: (first in a row)! Confirm 514489, 173189, 239418, 423488, 669049.

write !confirm 514489

The numbers are random and we always have to enter a different sequence of numbers,in this case, first in a row.

best regards
(09-17-2020, 07:03 PM)Mateo Wrote: Hello!
I need a macro to rewrite the confirmu code which pops up on the server log.
The message appears in red.

18:23 (called by Auto) Hello Filip! A system is reported to check whether a given player is at the computer and the action are not programmed by tools such as: macro or bot. To confirm that you are at the computer, enter within 600 seconds: (first in a row)! Confirm 514489, 173189, 239418, 423488, 669049.

write !confirm 514489

The numbers are random and we always have to enter a different sequence of numbers,in this case, first in a row.

best regards

I found this example withing the website bro maybe you can make the macro yourself from here.

Comment(String Regex Pattern Matching)
Str.Set(Text, You have 12345 gold pieces.)
Str.Set(MoneyPattern, You have (\d+) gold pieces.)
Str.Regex(MoneyPattern, Text)==:True
Str.Equals(Str.Match.1, 12345)

I've tried working with regex but i failed maybe you can attempt to do it, and here is the function.

Str.Regex(PatternVariableName, SubjectVariableName) Check SubjectVariable content matches to PatternVariable content regex, outputs to !Str.MatchSucced, !Str.MatchFailed, !Str.Match.0, !Str.Match.1 [..] !Str.Match.9

Also you will be using something like:

When.SystemMessage(WhenLabel, MessagePattern) Add a When listener for System kind of messages

To detect the message.
I can't handle it myself

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