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[Small Fix] The Friend Healer - Cast Spell
For now its unable to select the option CAST SPELL on the Friend Healer feature, its a small bug and it will be fixed on the next version. For a temporary fix you can write the healer configuration by yourself:

Quote:YourFriendName;YourFriendHPPercent;YourHP;YourMana;Cast Spell;1;Exura Sio "YourFriendName


Quote:MegaNo0body;60;300;2000;Cast Spell;1;Exura Sio "MegaNo0body
Heals friend MegaNo0body when its health is below 60% and you have 300 hp, 2000 mana.

You can copy the code and paste on the Friend Healer list right-clicking it and selecting Paste Code.

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