Hi. Looking for a script or macro. which would build on that from when I have less than 2 spear in his hand, he will go buy them, or upload them to the depot (indifferent to me) ... for example, 10 pieces. Thanks in advance for your help 
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Or how someone can help. to show that somehow explain how to do so with such less than 2 speary in his hand, goes to the depot, takes 8 spearow and goes to the trolls? I mean Depositer. I know how to do to put stuff you need. But that it took them already not know how. Please write this in steps. thanks

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Or how someone can help. to show that somehow explain how to do so with such less than 2 speary in his hand, goes to the depot, takes 8 spearow and goes to the trolls? I mean Depositer. I know how to do to put stuff you need. But that it took them already not know how. Please write this in steps. thanks