Sorry for my bad english!
I want to buy BBot, because I was banned for 3 acc for bot. I choose BBot, because I can buy it via SMS which is simple, fast and good. (but it isn't cheap
), but I have some questions
1) Mass Ban
BBot is very safe bot, but in mass ban was banned 5 000 people, it's too much. Is it BBot really safe?
2) Simple
When I was young I test a lots of bots, but now I looking simple bot - Is BBot simple?
3) Update
Cipsoft sometimes update his Client and Bot user must wait for new version ... in Tibia Auto - few days. How long BBots user must wait?
4) Linux
I am Linux user from long time - Does BBot works with Wine and Tibia Windows Client (on Wine)?
5) Mistakes
In Polish forums i reading "Cavebot freezing", "Cavebot works badly" etc. How it works now?
6) Functions
BBot Functions list?
It's Probably all
Sorry for my bad english!
I want to buy BBot, because I was banned for 3 acc for bot. I choose BBot, because I can buy it via SMS which is simple, fast and good. (but it isn't cheap

1) Mass Ban
BBot is very safe bot, but in mass ban was banned 5 000 people, it's too much. Is it BBot really safe?
2) Simple
When I was young I test a lots of bots, but now I looking simple bot - Is BBot simple?
3) Update
Cipsoft sometimes update his Client and Bot user must wait for new version ... in Tibia Auto - few days. How long BBots user must wait?
4) Linux
I am Linux user from long time - Does BBot works with Wine and Tibia Windows Client (on Wine)?
5) Mistakes
In Polish forums i reading "Cavebot freezing", "Cavebot works badly" etc. How it works now?
6) Functions
BBot Functions list?

It's Probably all
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