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How to make correct targeting!ByPerfected~
/ENGLISH/ In this post i will show you how to fix your targeting/loot problems , feel free to read, and rep+ if i helped.
We all guys know that bbot always had problem with targeting and looting..
I have found a solution to this problem but it only works in some occasions like this..
-Monsters you are killing must be shooters ExampleBig Grinark apprentice/apes etc.
-Place that you are boting got to be small so you have more contact with monsters.
The targeting will play like defending itself, so it wont spam the targeting and looter, it just will kill then loot then keep kiling without problems ! Smile

The thing is the targeting always want to attack but the looter needs to open the corpse so thats why your characters dance etc.

First of all, you have to put looting (LOOT BEFORE KILL)
Second you have to go to targeting and activate self defense attack //BUT// DONT PUT ANY CREATURE TO ATTACK (KILLER LIST EMPTY)

And there you go!
This will work till BMega find the problem to separate looting/targeting!.
Todos sabemos que el bot siempre ha tenido la dificultad de intentar lootiar y atacar al mismo tiempo, y por eso el personaje se descontrola mucho...
Encontre la solucion para este problema pero tienen que cumplirse bajo algunas circunstancias por pura logica.

-Los monstruos que estes matando deven ser shooters(que disparen) como por ejemplo dark magicians /apes etc.
-El espacio doide estes botiaando tenga qe ser reducido, asi cuando tu personaje siga el waypoint tenga contacto con los bichos para qe este reaccione a atacarlos

Lo primero que deves hacer es ir a looting y elegir la opcion LOOT BEFORE KILL. y luego configurar su looting correctamente.
Luego tienes que ir a TARGETING y activar la siguente casilla > \Self-Defense attack/
Cosas que no deves hacer
-Cuando pongas self defense attack, NO PONGAS NINGUN MONSTRUO EN LA LISTA DE MATAR BICHOS (solo en el caso que quieras ignorar a alguno).

Y listo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Botiaras correctamente Big Grin
No reply? i can explain if you didnt understand
Simply start using BBot's chase engine (Distance: 1) and not the Tibia client's one (the green guy icon) so your char won't dance anymore.
(09-27-2012, 02:41 AM)nizlov Wrote: Simply start using BBot's chase engine (Distance: 1) and not the Tibia client's one (the green guy icon) so your char won't dance anymore.

Oh thanks, i just putted an idea about it, because everyone complain about it

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