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Ek project/bbot hunting guide
So I’m making a new EK cus im bored and I’m thinking of making this as a project/guide for people that is just curious or wants help in botting up a knight themselves.

Right now im botting the char up to level 8 and after that i will go in to offline training mode until nightfall after that I will start botting/updating.
A lot of people usually always go about saying you need good skills but lets be honest.. its not necessary to have 60/60 to hunt goblins in Edron as I saw was recommended in a script...

The scripts i use will be posted AFTER I’m done with them Tongue.
The project will be done on a Open-pvp server.
Please notice also that most of the scripts I will be using wont be mine and it will be scripts from this forum so anyone can follow this guide, but please notice that im using PACC.
If I need to I will also make my own scripts and post them when im done with them.

The project will be done on minimum help in cash from main, wich means I pretty much wont send any cash to this character wich means you don’t have to be a rich superstar either to follow this guide ;D.

And yes i know there is a lot of knight projects out there but at the moment I just dont feel like creating 100 scripts to make a pally or mage cus there are so little scripts for them on the forum, P.S im lazy I know but thats why I bot ^^.

so why do I do this when there already are knight projects?
Well I see this also more as a guide than just a follow-up project and thus helping others who have a hard time to know where to bot and how. And why I make the choices I do in wich places to bot etc.

I will try to bring daily updates.
And if there is something you wonder about dont be afraid to ask, even if its not related to the guide (but related to tibia or bbot is a must Tongue).

Ok this become rather long and drawn out so I’m going to end the post here, but if I have forgotten anything or you have any questions just ask.

Scripts used:

Edron trolls Made by Warr, level 8 30/30+ with pots or level 9 (30/30) with exura ico. (edited) recommended level 8-15
Darashia rotworms Made by Dexter recommended level 10-20, 35/35+

Attached Files
.bbot   Trolle Edron.bbot (Size: 9.09 KB / Downloads: 68)
.bbot   [EK] Darashia North-west Rotworm by Dexter.bbot (Size: 8.47 KB / Downloads: 64)
Good luck: )
I will follow this thread ! Smile
Ok so i have been offline training for 5 hours now and im going to start botting. my start will be at trolls in edron, Why? since i only had 500gold and didnt have very good eq or skills im going to skip rotworms in darashia for now.
Edron is a great place to hunt if you are poor/bad geared and havent got very high skills yet. It is also fairly profitable for level 8-15. however i would not stay here for to long, because i want to minimise the stamina used for each level.

[Image: PB0Wg.jpg?1]

So as you see in the picture, dunno if the quality will be good (first time i do this Tongue) i have gone with getting 11 health potions instead of upgrading my eq, this cost me around 500gp. the reason for going with hp pots is that when you come out as a new char from rook you dont have loads of money with you and so you could only buy 1 upgrade for example either p-arm,p-legs or tortoise shield/dwarven. However this is not enough to survive at level 8 in troll. Getting a weapon is also a possible choice BUT it can be to expensive.
Buying 11 pots grants me a much higher survivability and I can bot without being afraid to die for a much longer time, and by the time my pots have run out i will have made enough money to pick up "Wound cleansing" and upgrade my gear, and by this point i wont have any troubles keep hunting at trolls without pots or if level 12+ with 40/35+ hunt rots in darashia with a very low risk of death from the rots and a good profit.
Ok so the first troll hunt is complete

[Image: CVPir.jpg?1]
[Image: ZeGaSh.jpg?1]

And im now starting to bot in darashia rotworms, script by dexter.
I did a misstake and picked up mana pots instead of hp pots but hopefully ill do fine anyway but I recommend hp pots before mana pots in this early level since you can only use exura ico only once and then you have to use another mana pot in low levels.
nice ; )
Gogo 50!
Ok so I didnt have quite the luck i was hoping for (as always Smile). I died 2 times, once at night and one time recently, however thats just something you have to count with on a open-pvp. Atleast i have been able to reach level 19, however my skills are a bit bad. So i have decided to go offline training this night.

[Image: UmA8K.jpg?1]

I forgot to blur the name but im to lazy to fix that now, I mean its already uploaded and all :p (but its hard so see anyway). And dont worry about the eq, i got cash from the rothunt. Brass set was getting a bit rusty any way Big Grin
Nice ; )
But skills are rly bad;<
If ya want i can sell u 9 knight skils 75/75 (sword) and 5 mlvl - facc - on pvp worldWink
(10-07-2012, 07:44 PM)devas Wrote: Nice ; )
But skills are rly bad;<
If ya want i can sell u 9 knight skils 75/75 (sword) and 5 mlvl - facc - on pvp worldWink
no ty im just doing this to possibly help people get out of the low levels with bbot and the right scripts, if i wanted i could continue on my 40 ek with 75/75 on a pvp server :p.

The main reason for this is i saw a lot of low levels dont know how to use the bbot to get to the higher levels, (now i dont think 40 is a high level) but when you have gotten to around 40-50 on this guide, the people following it should start getting the hang of it and hopefully be able to continue on their own Smile.

This guide aims to help people get started in the low levels, especially if you create a new character on a new world, with little resources (ingame-cash).
Ah, Okay;D
Ok sad to say im bored to bot in that level right now so i quit, started at my 40 ek again instead^^ maybe i will take up this project again and maybe not, but i recommend the admins taking away this thread (and maybe other inactive ones to) to keep the forum a bit cleaner Tongue.
U can continue ur guide with ur 40 ek Wink

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