Swamp Trolls Venore
Depositer ON CAP<50
Refiler OFF Not necessary
Suggested lvl: 25+
Suggested prof: All
Attack type: Mele
Monsters: Rotworm, Swamp Troll, Slug
Profit: 3-5 Medicine Pounches per hour and some gold
Exp/h: 5-7k
Reffered equipment: Plate Set, 5 mana and health potions, obsidian lance if sorcerer/druid/pally
Start: Venore Bank Depo
Cash in bank for start: 0
Depositer ON CAP<50
Refiler OFF Not necessary
Suggested lvl: 25+
Suggested prof: All
Attack type: Mele
Monsters: Rotworm, Swamp Troll, Slug
Profit: 3-5 Medicine Pounches per hour and some gold
Exp/h: 5-7k
Reffered equipment: Plate Set, 5 mana and health potions, obsidian lance if sorcerer/druid/pally
Start: Venore Bank Depo
Cash in bank for start: 0