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Venore Swamp Trolls Money Farm By Sharuh
Feel Free to comment, request and spread and if u like my scripts please rep 1+

Venore Swamp Troll Money Farm By Sharuh

Refiller: 10 Hps in case of emergency.

Depositer: Valuables + Medicine Pounch.

Class: Knight. Just change healer, refilled and mana training for other classes.

Level: 10+ Is my recommendation but i've done it on lvl 8 aswell just change healer and keep an eye open if respawn is good.

Equipment: I've used Steel helmet, Scarf, Plate armor, Jagged sword, Dwarven shield, Plate legs, Leather boots, Rope and Shovel.

Skills: I recommend 20/20 but i'm sure it's possable with lower skills.

Quest needed: No.

Spells Needed: Exura ico.

Macros: None.

AFK: 100% Tested everything working fine.

SS relog: Yes, it's set for my server so u might need to change it for ur time.

Notes: I use 1 main backpack that takes valuables/stackable items and in the main backpack i also got 1 backpack for gold/medicine pouch. For this script to work the best log on ur char and get the requirments. then go to the bank in venore close all ur bags and then load the script.

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