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Full afk Yalahar Pirate
Lvl 60+ knight
skille 75+
Eq good
exp 45-65k/h
money 5k/h + item

Have depositer and refiler 200 mp and 50 shp
1 bp main bp
2 bp for compas and ped,hook, eye
3 bp for money and item

Have macro for auto exori hur, exori and utura

Start bank yala

Please rep if download

Attached Files
.bbot   pirate.bbot (Size: 10.06 KB / Downloads: 446)
siema! w loocie nie ma treasure map a to dobry hajsik jest i mam pytanie Smile mam 3 bp chce dodac zeby mapy wrzucal do 3bp ale i tak na loscie lota pojawia sie 1 czyli wrzuca mi do 1bp... co tu zrobic?
Big Grin

[Image: 16890771904643044263.png]
today i was botting with your full afk yalahar pirate
your exori is not safe
I am red skull and I lost 200k
i dont have any money now
For pvp worlds do not use the macro exori Smile
Pomogłem ? Daj reputa + Smile
(12-31-2012, 11:17 AM)Healer Wrote: today i was botting with your full afk yalahar pirate
your exori is not safe
I am red skull and I lost 200k
i dont have any money now

lol xD

Od dextera

2000 {AutoAreaAttack} Creatures.PlayersOnRange(4)<=1 Creatures.Beside()>=3 Self.Mana()>=150 Self.Say(exori) Exit()
Is this a good script (besides exori)? Does it kill also corsairs? If not, can you upgrade it for corsairs also? Smile
I've got a little problem, in one place he dont want to use stairs.
If you can check it I will be really happy Smile
Maybe its because im using mount? I dont know.
Jasiaczek, mam ten sam problem Smile pomoze ktos to rozwiazac? Tongue

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