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Scrpty [Knight] 8 - 100 + Depositer, Refiler by MisiaMisia
Mam do zaoferowania scrypty dla Knighta. Wszystkie są 100 % mojej roboty.

8 - 20 Carlin Amazon Camp [ leczenie itp mozna zmienic pod siebie. ]

30 - 50 Carlin Ghostland [ to co wyżej ]
exp : 25 k/h
Profit : 2-3-4 k/h
- depositer, refiler [ nie kupuje potionów ]

70 - 100 + Carlin Coryms [ to co wyżej ]
exp : 70-80k/h
Profit : 7-8 k/h
- depositer, refiler
- Buy 200 mana potion, 50 Strong Health Potion

70 - 100 + Venore D Lair [ to co wyżej ]
exp : 80k/h
Profit : 5-7 k/h
- depositer, refiler
- Buy 300 mana potion

Jeśli Pomogłem daj Reput


I have for offering scrypty for Knighta. All are 100 % of my work.

8 - 20 Carlin Camp Amazon [treatment itp it is possible to change up to itself.]

30 - 50 Carlin Ghostland [it what higher]
exp: 25 k/h
Profit: 2-3-4 k/h
- depositer, refiler [isn't buying potion]

70 - 100 + Carlin Coryms [it what higher]
exp: 70-80 k/h
Profit: 7-8 k/h
- depositer, refiler
- Buy 200 mana potion, 50 Strong Health Potion

70 - 100 + Venore D Lair [it what higher]
exp: 80 k/h
Profit: 5-7 k/h
- depositer, refiler
- Buy 300 mana potion

If I helped give REPUT

Attached Files
.bbot   amazon ref.bbot (Size: 7.72 KB / Downloads: 104)
.bbot   GHOSTLAND KNIGHTT.bbot (Size: 14.91 KB / Downloads: 154)
.bbot   corymsy carlin moje.bbot (Size: 14.2 KB / Downloads: 117)
.bbot   VENORE D LAIR MOJE !.bbot (Size: 14.55 KB / Downloads: 89)
Nic ciekawego nie ma, nie ma tu jak zarobić najwięcej kasy na małym lvlu, polecam od 20 do 30-40 spokojnie salamandry gdzie ogromnie sie wzbogacisz i zarobić sporą ilość gotówki Wink

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