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Earth Elemental (Edron) 100% Afk By Bokol ((Mage))
You know Getting to The Cave? No? Ntp
you looked like you come here;

[Image: 262272_542481445791061_351819123_n.jpg]

this is the cave, and here scrip begins

[Image: 253349_542481462457726_436288914_n.jpg]

You Need:
1.-Crystal Ring ((200 Gps Max))
2.-Energy Ring ((200 Gps Max))
3.-Money In Bank ((depends))
4.-3 Bps ((2 For Money And 1 For Loot))
5.-Bp In Depot

So Must Be Your Bp In you depot:

[Image: 942524_542483812457491_1348563798_n.jpg]

so put your bps:

[Image: 934034_542485145790691_245921049_n.jpg]

((No Tested))

configures the macro with your Health ((It's easy)) Here I explain:

[Image: 947225_542495925789613_288004572_n.jpg]

I See? It's Easy.

Good luck and to boot

You Liked The Scrip? Give Me Reputation Pliz >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>vvvvv

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My Scrips

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