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Request - Venore scripts for knights 8 - 60
Hello everyone Oscar here!

[Image: TViffpv.png]

Just started a free account project just for fun. I don't got anything else to do so why not.

To the point:
I am requesting scripts in Venore from level 8 until level 60, it shall be knight scripts.

It has to contain something from this points:
* 100% afk
* Refiller
* Depositer

I will give you reputation if you are able to help me.

Kind regards Oscar
Please give me reputation if I helped you!

EK Project ~ By Oscar ツ
★Scripts By Oscar★
Here you are, I have scripts on salamanders, you can bot here to 20lvl and have good money : )

Attached Files
.bbot   salamandry.bbot (Size: 24.44 KB / Downloads: 82)
Pomogłem? Daj reputa, to nic nie boli a ile szczęścia daje: )
I helped? Give reputations, it's don't hurt and how much happiness gives: )
(04-14-2013, 07:53 AM)varm Wrote: Here you are, I have scripts on salamanders, you can bot here to 20lvl and have good money : )

Thank you!
Please give me reputation if I helped you!

EK Project ~ By Oscar ツ
★Scripts By Oscar★
where is salamanders?
Please Give me Rep+ if i helped you !
Just go northwest of venore's south exit and you'll see a hole... go down and that's it

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