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Script for Druid/Sorc lvl 20 FACC
Im asking for a mage script FACC lvl 20 please

VOC: Druid

this script need to use rod/wand also depositer/refiller (if needed) and please tell me where it starts hope yall can help meSad btw I dont care if this waste money i just want lvl and 101% afk. Smile !! ill give REP +
c'mon nobody? hahaSad
East Thais rotworms, carrion rotworm, going to bank when cap>20 and when low 20mp

if I help, please rep+ : )

Attached Files
.bbot   Thais East Rotworms 100% afk dla Druida, Sorca.bbot (Size: 8.87 KB / Downloads: 90)
Pomogłem? Daj reputa, to nic nie boli a ile szczęścia daje: )
I helped? Give reputations, it's don't hurt and how much happiness gives: )
that script has some issues like no refill or stuck in places like close to palomino area haha, but thanks anyway Smile

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