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Scripts Jferreira
My Scripts

[tr][td]NO Vocation[/td][td]Script[/td][/tr]
.bbot   RookGaard .bbot (Size: 17.88 KB / Downloads: 115) [/td][/tr]

Royal Paladin

[tr][td]Venore Corym[/td][td]
.bbot   [P] Venore Coryms by Jferreira v 1.1.bbot (Size: 15.42 KB / Downloads: 218) [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Cic Edron 30+[/td][td]
.bbot   [RP 30+] Edron-Cyclopolis -1 -2 .bbot (Size: 11.57 KB / Downloads: 120) [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Tarantula 35+[/td] [td]
.bbot   [RP 35+ ] - TaraNtula.bbot (Size: 7.96 KB / Downloads: 118) [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Mistrock 45+[/td] [td]
.bbot   [RP 45+] profit+1 Mistrock Cyclops.bbot (Size: 12.59 KB / Downloads: 241) [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Corym PH 80+[/td] [td]
.bbot   [RP 80+] Coryms Port Hope.bbot (Size: 24.1 KB / Downloads: 264) [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]CEMETERY QUARTER 120+[/td] [td]
.bbot   [RP 120+]Yalahar CEMETERY QUARTER -1 .bbot (Size: 13.11 KB / Downloads: 179) [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Wyrms - Liberty Bay 150+[/td] [td]
.bbot   [RP 150+]Wyrms - Liberty Bay.bbot (Size: 8.46 KB / Downloads: 159) [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Hellspawns of Yalahar 180+[/td] [td]
.bbot   TESTAR[Rp 180+] Hellspawns of Yalahar.bbot (Size: 13.46 KB / Downloads: 145) [/td][/tr]


Elder Druid

[tr][td]Ankrah Penesuela Tomb 25+[/td][td]
.bbot   [ED 25+] Ankrah Penesuela Tomb.bbot (Size: 12.95 KB / Downloads: 125) [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Edron Cyclopolis 45+[/td][td]
.bbot   [ED 45 +] Edron Cyclopolis full afk start bank.bbot (Size: 16.62 KB / Downloads: 125) [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]MutatedRats 50 +[/td] [td]
.bbot   [ED_MS 50+] MutatedRats.bbot (Size: 13.27 KB / Downloads: 97) [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Dragons - Yalahar 60+[/td] [td]
.bbot   [ED- 60+ ]Dragons - Yalahar - Mage.bbot (Size: 10.11 KB / Downloads: 100) [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Necromancers Yalahar WEST 70+[/td] [td]
.bbot   [ED 70+]Necromancers Yalahar WEST.bbot (Size: 10.23 KB / Downloads: 135) [/td][/tr]
[tr][td] Crystal Spider 130+[/td] [td]
.bbot   TESTAR[ED-MS 130+] Crystal Spider.bbot (Size: 13.21 KB / Downloads: 125) [/td][/tr]

Elite Knight

[tr][td]south thais cyc 30+[/td][td]
.bbot   [EK 30+]south thais cyc.bbot (Size: 10.44 KB / Downloads: 103) [/td][/tr]
[tr][td][EK 40+] Corym carlin 40+[/td][td]
.bbot   TESTAR[EK 40+] Corym carlin.bbot (Size: 9.64 KB / Downloads: 304) [/td][/tr]
[tr][td][EK] Mistrock 50+[/td] [td]
.bbot   [EK 50+] Mistrock.bbot (Size: 10.07 KB / Downloads: 143) [/td][/tr]
[tr][td][EK] Venore Coryms 80+[/td] [td]
.bbot   [EK 80 +] Venore Coryms.bbot (Size: 14.41 KB / Downloads: 287) [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Sea Serpent South 130+[/td] [td]
.bbot   [EK 130+]Sea Serpent SVARGROND.bbot (Size: 8.5 KB / Downloads: 170) [/td][/tr]
[tr][td] Wyrmy Liberty Bay 130+[/td] [td]
.bbot   [EK]130+Wyrmy Liberty Bay .bbot (Size: 8.72 KB / Downloads: 128) [/td][/tr]
[tr][td] Brimstone Bugs FARMINE[/td] [td]
.bbot   TESTAR[EK 150+]Brimstone Bugs FARMINE by Jferreira v1.0.bbot (Size: 14.6 KB / Downloads: 192) [/td][/tr]

Corym for lvl 40 is working? .-.
corym venore for what level?
very good
You could edit the corym of venore to refiler in Endron to buy royal spear and creat 2 script for p.a for free..

Muito bom!!
Voce poderia editar o corym de venore para repotar em endron para comprar royal spear e criar 2 arquivos.. um para p.a e outro para free..
(03-21-2014, 04:19 AM)megabite Wrote: corym venore for what level?
lvl 50

(03-21-2014, 12:15 PM)joaopaulo Wrote: very good
You could edit the corym of venore to refiler in Endron to buy royal spear and creat 2 script for p.a for free..

Muito bom!!
Voce poderia editar o corym de venore para repotar em endron para comprar royal spear e criar 2 arquivos.. um para p.a e outro para free..

thanks for the constructive criticism, pity me that college is not the most time to create scripts; x
Plix Give Reputation to me.
CEMETERY QUARTER 120+ ????????????????????? I needed bolt, arrow, spear, star ???!??!?!?? What's I need ???
(03-22-2014, 08:12 AM)szewerek Wrote: CEMETERY QUARTER 120+ ????????????????????? I needed bolt, arrow, spear, star ???!??!?!?? What's I need ???

1000 dril bolts
60 shp
200 smp
Why Mistrock for knight is level 50+?
How is he configurated?
Quote:Why Mistrock for knight is level 50+?
How is he configurated?
REP: 50 mp and 44 hp...

REP: Crystaline arrow. 300 grat spirit potion
I made the script with my EK (230) not tested with the paladin because he is still 160

plix give-me reputation !
i need script for 170+ ed for task or normal exp <waste><no waste> i pay
(03-22-2014, 07:51 PM)cashmakerss Wrote: i need script for 170+ ed for task or normal exp <waste><no waste> i pay

sorry I'm not very good with scripts for mages;/
Venore Coryms more informations?

sell item or not? what i need?
(03-23-2014, 01:43 PM)Muszkamt Wrote: Venore Coryms more informations?

sell item or not? what i need?

yes. selling itens. but it is for paladin, because when I have time I will do the script for Royal paladin edron going to buy royal spears

sim vende items. Mas é para paladin, pois quando tiver tempo vou fazer o script para Royal paladin indo em edron para comprar royal spears

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