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Script or Macro
It would be better to equip a stronger weapon for killing the "mother" Slime faster.
  • Add this macro to Advanced Tools -> Macros

    0 {ChangeWeapon} weapon:=1234 Misc.ItemCountEx(!weapon!)>=1 Self.Inventory.LeftHand()<>!weapon! Self.Equip.LeftHand(!weapon!) Trainers.Stop() Killer.Start()

    1234 = ID of weapon to change to (a better weapon than the one you are training with)
  • Add Slime to Killer's list.
  • Go to Protector and choose:
    1. Kind: Moved
    2. tick Macro and choose: ChangeWeapon
    3. tick Logout
    • Go again to Protector and choose:
      1. Kind: Player on Screen
      2. tick Macro and choose: ChangeWeapon
      3. tick Logout
  • Test it & post results.

Messages In This Thread
Script or Macro - by speedo251 - 10-19-2012, 08:52 PM

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