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[Knight] Kazordoon Deeplings FULL AFK
(05-06-2013, 01:06 AM)Elvanatural Wrote: What do you think would be the minimum level for botting there really?

Since I dont speak polish I am having quite a hard time figuring what you guys mean and what have been the doubts so far...

I have a 75 EK with zaoan set warrior shield and crystalline sword... u think I can bot there easilly or I should try to get at least 80 first??

Another question... does the script use the wagons system or it goes by foot?

You can easly start to hunt there with this equip and lvl Smile Dont forget to put 10 empty bp's in Kazo depot.
Script use the wagons system Smile

Ja takiego problemu nie mam z tym skryptem, powiedz na ktore schody wchodzi, a nie powinien, najlepiej jakbys zrobil/a screenshota Smile
A jesli chodzi o lvl i eq to mysle ze lajtowo mozesz wyciagnac tam profit. Ja wyciagnalem w 14h bodajze 110k, nie jest to jakos duzo, ale mysle ze mozna wyprobowac Smile

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