04-10-2013, 05:09 PM
(04-10-2013, 04:58 PM)rgo Wrote: i Ill Make a new Script full afk in the night, and work well dont stop, i use attack secuencie and work well,use Distance Fight and work well too, am ED and the health and mana work well, i think the problem is if u use one old script, bc i was use one old script and the bot doesnt work. i was test the new script like 5h and dont stop, try to make new scripts.
Well is a great advance this update, tnx mega.
Ur program is the best, need some improvements but i think is the best bot!
That's not correct, my old scripts works fine.
The problem that the people have is the same as always, you need new folder, administrator, and compatibility, and later you need to run the script 1 time only, if you have 1 script running on bot and will open other the bot going to crash.
Mega need to make little change's but it's more or less good.
But do the changes soon as possible

And when the free days? I know you have much work but be correct with your clients