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BBot 9.5
so - my bbot is going pretty well, BUT:
after 1 hour of botting, my character just stopped and was staying for above 1 next hour OR he just followed monster which was attacking someone else, killed it and couldn't find way to waypoints to keep botting [cyclops mistrock, char stucked near stairs on left side of them - someone probably ran on stairs, cyclops attacked me, bot killed it and then couldn't go back to main waypoints - idk why]

and additionally - i just loaded script and actived it - i was too scared about BBot crash to press any other keys, cuz im reading here that u all have problems Tongue I found that my BBot is working well and didn't want to check if any other options are working.

When I was writing it, bot stucked near those stairs one more time, so it isn't KSing other player's monster but just bot is working bad [because near me wasn't any corpse]

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BBot 9.5 - by MegaNo0body - 04-10-2013, 02:04 AM

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