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[VIDEO + TUTORIAL] Concerning the Error 7010054
(01-30-2014, 10:42 AM)Dexter Wrote:
(01-29-2014, 11:56 PM)[email protected] Wrote: wireshark unbug bbot?

Wireshark not fixed the bbot. Only used to capture packets that will be analized by Mega.

(01-30-2014, 02:07 AM)brunoviper Wrote: I'm not I do the capture comseguindo geito that you be not more madando comsigo;. (Al Help please Sad

Eu nao estou comseguindo captura eu faço do geito que voce estar madando mais nao comsigo ;( . Ajuda ai por favorUndecided

What is happening? See an Error?

(01-30-2014, 10:13 AM)ruelasmg Wrote: It's not working. I try igual the topic says.

What is happening? See an Error?

WHAT I made this Tutorial Mandano more comsigo not saved.
Upgrade to whom he not be comseguindo low please.
Days without him = Loss Premium;/ Exclamation

eu fiz oque esta Mandano no Tutorial mais nao comsigo salva .
atualize ele pra quem nao estar comseguindo baixa por favor.
Dias sem ele = perda de Premium ;/ Huh

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