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New~ November free scripts service!
(07-12-2013, 02:48 PM)Qapux Wrote: no paladin scripts ??

Will be adding next week

pls pirates nargor for knight
(07-13-2013, 01:12 PM)debilos123 Wrote: pls pirates nargor for knight

Was planning to do High lvl scripts from now. Isn't this script avaible already on the forums?

Yalahar - Mutated Humans [RP]

Monsters to face
[Image: Mutated_Human.gif][Image: Mutated_Rat.gif][Image: Acid_Blob.gif][Image: Mercury_Blob.gif]

[Image: QZQV07p.png]

Great place to bot safety with profit from level 60!
You need to have started the third "in mission of yalahar" for this script to work.

about 50-70k/h depending on skills and people there

Mana potions, health potions & Brown mushrooms

Start the bot in Yalahar Depot or inside of the hunting ground

Depositer & Refill
Depositer & refiller!

If you download this please dont forget to rep+ me if you want more scripts like this.

Coming soon

Added Yalahar - Mutated humans for royal paladins. Will be adding 2x more scripts tomorrow!

Yalahar - Zombies [RP]

Monsters to face
[Image: Zombie.gif][Image: Necromancer.gif][Image: Nightstalker.gif]

[Image: 7UE0wCB.png]

Great place to bot your paladin when ur level 80+. Have stealth rings in backpack! the bot will use stealth ring when 3x or more zombies on screen to avoid wasting supplies!


Mana potions, health potions & Brown mushrooms

Start the bot in Yalahar Depot or inside of the hunting ground

Depositer & Refill
Depositer & refiller with royal spears!

If you download this please dont forget to rep+ me if you want more scripts like this.

Coming soon

Good job, Novemeber. Smile
(06-23-2013, 05:26 PM)November Wrote: HERE
Note* just fill in a survey or whatever you chose, you can lie about everything. Takes 1minute.

Tried and i cannot download this.
Typing some fake phone number and still nothing bcuz some errors appears.
I would rly want to try Tour scripts cuz they looks pretty nice.
Yalahar - Mutated Rats

Monsters to face
[Image: Mutated_Human.gif][Image: Mutated_Rat.gif][Image: Acid_Blob.gif]
[Image: Mercury_Blob.gif]
[Image: Death_Blob.gif][Image: Mutated_Bat.gif]

[Image: UdOVEr1.png]

This is one of the best places to bott your money maker and make tons of cash! a excellent place to bot if you want to become rich.
You need to have started the third "in mission of yalahar" for this script to work.

Havn't tested it for awhile! but i think it was 80-105k/h

Mana potions, health potions & Brown mushrooms

Start the bot in Yalahar Depot or inside of the hunting ground

Depositer & Refill
Depositer & refiller!

If you download this please dont forget to rep+ me if you want more scripts like this.

.bbot   Yalahar - Mutated rats 1.0 November.bbot (Size: 11.7 KB / Downloads: 407)

(07-16-2013, 03:22 PM)Tssunami Wrote:
(06-23-2013, 05:26 PM)November Wrote: HERE

Tried and i cannot download this.
Typing some fake phone number and still nothing bcuz some errors appears.
I would rly want to try Tour scripts cuz they looks pretty nice.

Edit : updated download link go download without any trouble now.

I dont know how i can downlado this -,-
(07-17-2013, 09:18 PM)pawelosek142 Wrote: I dont know how i can downlado this -,-

which script? i updated the download now to just watch a 4sec advertise so shouldn't be any problem :o

I need waypoint to Thais Rotworm North , bank .
(07-18-2013, 07:55 PM)Pucek1993 Wrote: I need waypoint to Thais Rotworm North , bank .

Sorry i will spend my time doing high levels scripts since those are more requested.

Farmine - stone golems added. Go get your iron ores guys!

why nightstalkers is not avaible to download?
where can i bot a lvl 60 EK ?
(07-25-2013, 06:54 PM)KarimEhab Wrote: where can i bot a lvl 60 EK ?

Look in the descriptions man.. U need to have started the third mission in service of yalahar Smile

Yes sorry i missed this , i'll go venore coryms north cave 60 to 70 then where can i bot at 70+ ? shall i stay at coryms ?
(07-26-2013, 01:04 PM)KarimEhab Wrote: Yes sorry i missed this , i'll go venore coryms north cave 60 to 70 then where can i bot at 70+ ? shall i stay at coryms ?

Go mutated humans / coryms until level 80 check My free scripts / paid scripts for further scripts

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