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FACC/PACC 8-30 LVL [EK] Scripts by vyniu13
Hello. I have some scripts for you. Some scripts are mine, but not all.

1. FACC - Chicken Feather collector near Carlin. [Image: Chicken.gif]
Level: 8+
Skill: 15/15
EQ: From Rookgaard
Profit: 20 Chicken Feather/h

.bbot   FeatherByVyniu.bbot (Size: 3.93 KB / Downloads: 229)

2. FACC - Swamp Troll on Venore with depositer and bankier. Good Medicine Pouch collector! [Image: Swamp_Troll.gif]
Level: 8+
Skill: 20/20
EQ: Steel Helmet/Brass Armor/Plate Legs/Jagged Sword/Leather Boots/Dwarven Shield
Profit: 1,5k gold/h and 5-7 Medicine Pouch
Exp: 7-10k/h
Start: Depot or Swamp Troll resp.

.bbot   SwampTrollsByVyniu.bbot (Size: 10.97 KB / Downloads: 333)

3. FACC - Folda island with Slime, Rotworms and Minotaurs. Also Bankier. Don't have deposit but collect only minotaur rares. [Image: 20060807162924!Slime.gif] [Image: Bovinus.gif] [Image: Rotworm.gif][Image: winter%20wolf1.gif]
Level: 15+
Skill: 45/45
EQ: Steel Helmet/Brass Armor/Plate Legs/Serpent Sword/Guardian Shield
Profit: 1k gold/h
Exp: 12-15k/h
Start: Carlin Depot or on Folda Island.

.bbot   FoldaByVyniu.bbot (Size: 8.54 KB / Downloads: 244)

4. PACC - Scarabs and Larvas in Ankrahmun with depositer/bankier/refiler. Good place to gain some experience and collect money. [Image: scarab.gif] [Image: Larva.gif]
Level: 20+
Skill: 50/50
EQ: Steel Helmet/Plate Armor/Plate Legs/Spike Sword/Guardian Shield/Leather Boots
Profit: 2k gold/h
Exp: 25-30k/h
Start: Depot or Scarab and Larvas resp.

.bbot   ScarabByVyniu.bbot (Size: 9.48 KB / Downloads: 360)

5. PACC - Rotworms on Darashia with bankier. You don't need refiler and depositer here. Good place to collect first nice money. [Image: Rotworm.gif] [Image: Carrion_Worm.gif]
Level: 20+
Skill: 50/50
EQ: Steel Helmet/Plate Armor/Plate Legs/Crimson Sword/Guardian Shield/Leather Boots
Profit: 2-3k/h
Exp: 25k/h
Start: Depot or Rotworm north resp.

.bbot   RotwormsByVyniu.bbot (Size: 7.49 KB / Downloads: 269)
Testing Swamp Trolls.
Please add Marsh Stalker, Swampling, Snake, Rotworm... Ghoul.

U also need shovel.

//Cant finish test - too many ppl killed 15 swamps in 15 mins.
(07-22-2013, 06:26 PM)voonart Wrote: Testing Swamp Trolls.
Please add Marsh Stalker, Swampling, Snake, Rotworm... Ghoul.

U also need shovel.

Thanks for comment. I upload first post and add this monsters.

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