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[ALL] Darashia Rotworms
I made darashia rotworms 100 % afk, refilling to 40 mp, going refill when cap <20 , mp < 15, just loot gold, deposit, buy potions and coming back.

Cave :

[Image: ixxuv8.jpg]

LVL 20 + i recommend
Exp/h - ? reply in topic
Loot/h - ? reply in topic

Was made for ms, just change healer Smile

Enjoy !

Attached Files
.bbot   [ALL] Rotwormy Darashia by xLesiu!.bbot (Size: 7.11 KB / Downloads: 510)
Thanks for your upload.
no problem Smile
Works good(? with druid?
Dziala wporzo, jedynie sobie auto flasha usunalem i healera ustawilem... No i najlepiej jakby taki 22 ms sobie kupoiwal 100mp i siedzial dluzej, w sumie ja loota nie zbieram. Dzieki za pomoc, zrob skrypty dla 100+ ek XD^^
sorry for the question, but what means "bump"?
(10-12-2013, 02:23 PM)brunoozin Wrote: sorry for the question, but what means "bump"?

bring up my post
That's when the topic is down in the researches, so he does up there again.

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