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Corym Venore - South West Cave
[Image: Corym_Vanguard.gif]Corym Venore - South West Cave[Image: Corym_Vanguard.gif]

[Image: 33k8wg0.jpg]

Recommended Level: 70+
Recommended Skill: 80/75
Exp/hour: 65k to 80k (Without bonus)
Loot/hour: 5k to 20k+(Depends on EQ and Skill)
Start at Depot; or at cave.
Script never gets stucked.

*Rafzan Seller
*Macro for elevator
*Variables (Customizable script!)
[Image: 11jc6s9.jpg]

Make a donation
[Image: btn_donateCC_LG.gif]

Attached Files
.bbot   (EK)CorymsVenore _SouthWest_ByJeshuaStep.bbot (Size: 14.42 KB / Downloads: 1,016)
Testing... Big Grin
(11-03-2013, 01:02 AM)drako hedrax Wrote: Testing... Big Grin

Go REP+ Big Grin
Wlasnie go zalaczylem, zobaczymy ;p
(11-03-2013, 06:17 AM)MajsterBi Wrote: Wlasnie go zalaczylem, zobaczymy ;p

English, sorry.
Seems nice will test it out when i hit desired skills and level (prolly within a week)
stucked at elevator
(11-06-2013, 05:43 PM)klodzio12 Wrote: stucked at elevator

For me not :o, probably you changed something
I'll test it tomorrow, thanks!
Add spike shield on looter.

make a pacc
you got sequences ready for (exori hur)
-exori hur
-auto mount

awesome script from yesterday to today, i makea profit of 375k with 170 ek
(11-08-2013, 08:27 AM)XAfter Wrote: Add spike shield on looter.

make a pacc
you got sequences ready for (exori hur)
-exori hur
-auto mount

awesome script from yesterday to today, i makea profit of 375k with 170 ek

Apike shield requires a lot of cap, so for me isn't good, if you're premmy i don't recommend you to use spells, you will waste more manas and we are searching profit.
im testing on 82 knight and they stuck on Rafzan no sell items
Wtf,the script is going to North-West cave not South West Oo
can you make for paladin with spear refiller? please
(12-08-2013, 02:04 PM)amfetaminasf Wrote: ADD SPIKE SHIELD LOL :< TO BETTER PROFIT..

For me is good without spike shield Tongue, but just add it on looter bro Smile
Good Job Man Smile

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