Today i've made Carniphilas script with depositer and banker, so check this out. It's the best Carniphila script on this forum.

![[Image: Carniphila.gif]](http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080711190704/tibia/en/images/b/ba/Carniphila.gif)
Near Banuta cave:
![[Image: dnns.jpg]](http://imageshack.com/a/img713/5729/dnns.jpg)
U can start anywhere u like: Dp, bank, magic shop or cave

LvL - 35 +
Exp on hour - 55k/ bonus 70-80k
Profit - depends on price for Carrot on a Stick
Refill - Yes
Auto mount - No
Refil - 120 mp
If cap<50 go refill
If mp<20 go refill
Must Have Exori Flam
Preffered eq:
Some elements of terra set, good shield (vamprie for ex.)
Rod with fire or death (Carniphilas are strong immune to ice about 35%)
So this script is recommended for 35 sorcerer or 42+ druid with Underworld Rod
If u can waste a little pots u can use Necrotic rod ;]
Easy to change for knight/pally
Backpack setup:
![[Image: 1yuz.jpg]](http://imageshack.com/a/img198/3337/1yuz.jpg)
If u like this script and wants more - Rep me.
Then ill made other scripts
Then ill made other scripts
I reserve the rights to the script. All the changes and publications only with my permission