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[EK] Minotaur yalahar MM
Hello ! thats my second script here Wink

Yalahar Minotaurs

[Image: Minotaur.gif][Image: Minotaur_Mage.gif][Image: Minotaur_Guard.gif][Image: Minotaur_Archer.gif]


As all my scripts You can start anywhere u like: Dp, bank, magic shop or cave

LvL - 50+ with good eq / 60+
Recommended skills - 80/80 - for easy clear
Exp on hour - depends on respawn and how fast u clear spawn
Ive forgott the numbers but think its about 50-60k/h without premmy

Profit - A lot of creature products in 3 days ive made 120k from products + a little of gold

Refill - Yes
Using obsidian knife
Auto mount - Yes
Auto utura - Yes
Antistuck - Yes !
Auto safe spellcast - Yes (exori when =>3)
Refil - 200 mp and 30 hp !
Amount of potions are easy to change in variables !!!

If cap<80 go refill
If mp<20 or hp<10 go refill
Must Have Exori and Exori hur


[Image: gmhu.jpg]

You have to get some bp's in dp for creature products

It's ideal for Minotaur task from Budrik !!!

Attached Files
.bbot   [EK] Mino YALAHAR by Handziu.bbot (Size: 8.44 KB / Downloads: 410)
[Image: ivjn.png]

any opinions, comments?
[Image: ivjn.png]
Nice script

[Image: ivjn.png]
at what lvl you get 120k in 3 days?
86 kina Wink
[Image: ivjn.png]
[Image: ivjn.png]
This script is great! It use obsidian knife very well(for example- I'd looted 9 and in my bp is 30). Thank you. Rep+ Big Grin
Im doing 74k exp/hr AMAZINGGGG Script!!!!!!
I'm noobie in this please, do not judge me. I give REP+ to everyone who has good scripts for me!!!!

If I helped you... Rep+ me.

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