(12-13-2013, 06:03 PM)kamas Wrote: bug cavebot, confused commands made he stop on stairs reapiting everytime the local of script walking
avoid waves bug, he dont keep quiet and make bugstairs
cavebot bug, he dont walk appropriate, every time this fucking shit bug
bug, he forgot re-open backpacks (ping 72) latency 110
loot bug, if u set this disgrace to loot before kill he dont atk, and if u put loot after kill, he lose loot when corpses area amounted on floor
bug, if he downt "own" monster he still tryng open..
bug ( new name for avoid wave) = dancer? he move north south dancing lol, fuck this bot
bug, he goed follow dragon and upstaired, AUHAHUAHUHUAUHA
bmega, portuguese speaking.
Estou quase abrindo o char no cast só pra você ver quantos bugs dá pra coletar aqui, provavel que você perca a conta...
Please, record a video showing all these bugs, send the link to me and the mega along with scritp you used while recording the video.