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Coryms Venore, Seller, Depositer, Refill 100% AFK By Xolink FIXED AND RELOADED
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Hello! Hello! Again I recharged my waypoints from coryms. Because of our new laws, my post was closed. Waypoints also started a conflict with the function of "MapTool". So I bring the updated version and tested.


We need to do some little things to make sure that our script does not fail.

We set up our "Tibia client":
[Image: config2a.jpg]

We must ensure that the NPC Rafzan its trapped on the right place, as shown in the image. The NPC should be right where the circle points. So no one else will be able to move the NPC. By doing this we guarantee that our "Character" is not trapped with NPC
[Image: gah6.jpg]

You must have, 13.5K to buy 150 mana potions, and 60 Strong Health Potions. Is guaranteed that the first time you go to cave and return generates enough loot to buy pots again and profit.

From The bank output venore:
[Image: uwde.jpg]

OR Inside the Depot-bank venore:

[Image: gqh5.jpg]

SETS and recommended LVLS

The first 3 waypoints are tested with Chars 60 with skills 69/62 and with this set:
[Image: equipneed.jpg]


The other waypoints, recommend it since lvl 75 (to use the justice seeker ) but lvl 80 is better because we can use ( " Draken Boots" ) and use the following set as it is better to be faster due to the amount of botters that can be inside the cave .

[Image: j8na.jpg]

This profit was generated for 3 lvl 60 chars in 18 hours , " lvl 80 chars +" can generate almost three times in the same time ( continuous hours )
[Image: lootcoryms.jpg]

.bbot   Coryms North Cave full Cave.bbot (Size: 8.61 KB / Downloads: 412)
[Image: corymnorthwest.jpg]

.bbot   Coryms East Full Cave.bbot (Size: 8.56 KB / Downloads: 277)
[Image: corymeast.jpg]

.bbot   Coryms sur full Cave.bbot (Size: 9.99 KB / Downloads: 274)
[Image: corymsur.jpg]

.bbot   Coryms North West-2l Cave.bbot (Size: 9.92 KB / Downloads: 271)
[Image: corymnorthwest2.jpg]

.bbot   Coryms SouthEast -2 Full Cave.bbot (Size: 10.75 KB / Downloads: 271)
[Image: corymsoutheast2.jpg]

.bbot   Coryms South West-2 Full Cave.bbot (Size: 13.76 KB / Downloads: 284)
[Image: corymsouthwest2.jpg]

This is a fusion of three caves

.bbot   Coryms SoutWest-East-Y on Full.bbot (Size: 17.69 KB / Downloads: 643)
[Image: corymsouthwest2.jpg][Image: corymsur.jpg][Image: corymsoutheast2.jpg]

[Image: pAq4kLP.jpg]

If my advice help u give me some REP ok?, si te ayude regaleme un REP vale?, Se minha idéia te ajudou, manda um REP ae TY, Gracias, Obrigado
Very good scripts, testing with 74K without problems!
really nice setup bro!!!
omg... i dont know what's wrong with at least the first script, but this night people killed my char 5 times.
why does the char walks outside the venore temple after die? omg this made me lost a lot of lvls:
[Image: DOXDSSG.png]
Anyways the scripts are good, just put a macro for exit if you are in temple and that problem is solved.
omg!!! that never happens to me! :/, the BBot cant do eveything for you man, you must pay atention in yours chars, i bot with 5 char an nobody never kills me, if you are going to bot and them you stay totaly afk, the problem its yours my friend, its for newbes expet the BBot will save you from everything :/, GL to next time dude, dont be lasy, the script have alarms against PK and an anti-stuk macro also...
[Image: pAq4kLP.jpg]

If my advice help u give me some REP ok?, si te ayude regaleme un REP vale?, Se minha idéia te ajudou, manda um REP ae TY, Gracias, Obrigado
(02-01-2014, 09:15 AM)xolink Wrote: omg!!! that never happens to me! :/, the BBot cant do eveything for you man, you must pay atention in yours chars, i bot with 5 char an nobody never kills me, if you are going to bot and them you stay totaly afk, the problem its yours my friend, its for newbes expet the BBot will save you from everything :/, GL to next time dude, dont be lasy, the script have alarms against PK and an anti-stuk macro also...
It's the first time this happens to me.
This is just because the anti-stuck macro, because every times the cavebot is activated, the bbot sometimes make the char walk altough there aren't waypoints in temple.
Anyways, i've already up to lvl 72 and i'm making a lot of money.
I just added this macro by Howcio:
{Venore Exiter by Howcio}
Self.PositionIn(32954, 32074, 7, 32961, 32080, 7)==1
So when it dies and reconnects to venore temple it automatically does exit.
(02-01-2014, 10:14 AM)Albert34567 Wrote:
(02-01-2014, 09:15 AM)xolink Wrote: omg!!! that never happens to me! :/, the BBot cant do eveything for you man, you must pay atention in yours chars, i bot with 5 char an nobody never kills me, if you are going to bot and them you stay totaly afk, the problem its yours my friend, its for newbes expet the BBot will save you from everything :/, GL to next time dude, dont be lasy, the script have alarms against PK and an anti-stuk macro also...
It's the first time this happens to me.
This is just because the anti-stuck macro, because every times the cavebot is activated, the bbot sometimes make the char walk altough there aren't waypoints in temple.
Anyways, i've already up to lvl 72 and i'm making a lot of money.
I just added this macro by Howcio:
{Venore Exiter by Howcio}
Self.PositionIn(32954, 32074, 7, 32961, 32080, 7)==1
So when it dies and reconnects to venore temple it automatically does exit.

nice solution man ^^
[Image: pAq4kLP.jpg]

If my advice help u give me some REP ok?, si te ayude regaleme un REP vale?, Se minha idéia te ajudou, manda um REP ae TY, Gracias, Obrigado
Which on is the one with more exp or profit?
Sir can you make one script

Coryms North Cave full Cave
Coryms sur full Cave
Coryms East Cave full Cave

i got tibia error on one waypoint, someone too?
(02-07-2014, 02:24 AM)gambler Wrote: Which on is the one with more exp or profit?
all scripts makes around 30k to 60k exp per hour, all depends how many bots are inside the cave
[Image: pAq4kLP.jpg]

If my advice help u give me some REP ok?, si te ayude regaleme un REP vale?, Se minha idéia te ajudou, manda um REP ae TY, Gracias, Obrigado
Siempre sorprendiendo carnalito Smile ... Exito bro
[Image: scripts4gamers.jpg]

¡Scripts for Gamers make experiencie for you!

(02-21-2014, 09:39 AM)wekoz Wrote: Siempre sorprendiendo carnalito Smile ... Exito bro
thank you bro ^^ Big Grin
[Image: pAq4kLP.jpg]

If my advice help u give me some REP ok?, si te ayude regaleme un REP vale?, Se minha idéia te ajudou, manda um REP ae TY, Gracias, Obrigado
What to do to go to dp at 50 cap? Because there is no cap and runs on ...
50 of cap? sure? you only must edit the full check label, change the code like this cap<50, and thats it, but i dont recomend you will left a lot of loot behind if you do it, :S, GL
[Image: pAq4kLP.jpg]

If my advice help u give me some REP ok?, si te ayude regaleme un REP vale?, Se minha idéia te ajudou, manda um REP ae TY, Gracias, Obrigado
Bot doesn't refil, he just clearing cave with 0 cap over and over
(03-03-2014, 03:20 PM)zohan Wrote: Bot doesn't refil, he just clearing cave with 0 cap over and over

this is the thing sometimes when he go to sell people move the elevator and that créate a problema cause maybe you get stuck until someone move the elevator again, in the refill some there is someone that trap the sqm where the char must be stand to buy potion thats why it dosent refill let me check it and fix that problema ok Big Grin? Big Grin
[Image: pAq4kLP.jpg]

If my advice help u give me some REP ok?, si te ayude regaleme un REP vale?, Se minha idéia te ajudou, manda um REP ae TY, Gracias, Obrigado
very good Xolink, muy buenos scrips si señor rep + bro

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