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Need script THais South Cyclops
welceom need script for 30 knight to cyclops in south
skills 110/112
need with refiler depositer 101% afk i give reput for it thanks Smile
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can anybody change this script for lvl 30
i don't know how to change it to buy small mana potion and small health potion ;/
i have premium account heal speal only exura ico
Script don't buying heal potion so put 50-70 to bp
ion Variables u got settings can changing how many MP have to buy
and when leave spawn

IF i helped please repute

Attached Files
.bbot   K 70 Cyc SouthThais.bbot (Size: 11.24 KB / Downloads: 68)
can u make it i don't know how to do it to he buy 100 small mana potions and use it and back from spawn when he have 15
I make it, ok?


see here
(04-06-2014, 12:07 PM)dealerx Wrote: can u make it i don't know how to do it to he buy 100 small mana potions and use it and back from spawn when he have 15

load this script and open Advenced Tools-> variables

MinCap = if less than X cap going to dp
minMP = if less than X mp going to DP

that's all Smile

very simple job !
Damiansnk.. where is this cyclop script from? Homemade? ^.^
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