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could u update your [KG] Earthnights liberty bay 100 sscript to all floors hunt? -1,-2 please
(01-21-2016, 12:35 AM)[email protected] Wrote: could u update your [KG] Earthnights liberty bay 100 sscript to all floors hunt? -1,-2 please

I can but not now or this week I think. I'm travellinh without my computer (wasting days Sad)
(10-07-2015, 02:49 PM)kaiquegabriel Wrote: I'M BACKKKKKKKKKK!

why only first floor on mistrock ? here can bot 20 paladin not 40 XD
Noowy Script's.

Selling Scripts , for more info write me on :

* Skype "Czarniutki6"
* E-Mail "[email protected]
* GG (Polish) : 41772155
(04-16-2014, 12:30 AM)kaiquegabriel Wrote:
Wasps - Thais or Ab'Dendriel - 100% afk
[Image: Wasp.gif]

This script go to Wasps cave and walk on all cave and floors. It's nice to make some money with Honeycomb.

Level: 8 or higher
Missions: None
Equipments: Brass set or higher and melee weapon
Supply Buyer: 5 health potion (225 gps)
Fullcheck: Capacity lower 200, health potions lower 1 and 14 or more honeycombs on your backpack.
Tested: Yes.

(04-15-2014, 11:42 PM)thi97 Wrote: up! nice scripts... gz
Thanks bro.

(04-15-2014, 11:45 PM)sickalex Wrote: Your reputation rating has successfully been added for this user.
i've used the terramite script, made like 200k (inc. creature products), Good scripts!
Thanks for all, I use my terramite on some makers too

Hi, the ab'dendriel script is not available can't download
Here its ok the download o:
Wyrm Liberty bay work 100%?
I've tested but bot have a lot of updates and I think isn't perfect now. I don't have time to update now but when I have I'll update all.
When change world terramites turn and don't go on the floor can you fix this , i fink is because world change. (quando o mundo muda o script do terramites para de funcionar teria como arrumar e fzer um segundo por causa das mudanças da mini world changes????

(02-13-2016, 06:06 PM)Veight Wrote: When change world terramites turn and don't go on the floor can you fix this , i fink is because world change. (quando o mundo muda o script do terramites para de funcionar teria como arrumar e fzer um segundo por causa das mudanças da mini world changes????

Foi malzz axei o erro o char completo as missoes e vai para outra diferente mais vlws! bom trabalaho
Kg can you do terramites farmine for lvl 50 +????
(02-13-2016, 11:44 PM)Veight Wrote: Kg can you do terramites farmine for lvl 50 +????

I have it for free here, on Knight scripts, level 35+.
Terramites - Darashia - Mage - Knight - 100% afk
[Image: Terramite.gif]

This script go on all floors of Terramites. I'ts sample and effective script.

Level: 25 or higher - 35 or higher
Missions: None
Equipments: Simple set + shield
Supply Buyer: Editable on variables
Fullcheck: Editable on variables
Tested: Yes.

.bbot   [KG] Terramite - Darashia - Mage - 100 percent.bbot (Size: 10.58 KB / Downloads: 352)

.bbot   [KG] Terramite - Darashia - Knight - 100 percent.bbot (Size: 10.26 KB / Downloads: 443)
New script added.

Terramites - Darashia - Knight.
Total negativ for him. He do scripts not works.. i paid and 0 communicate for rework.
(02-20-2016, 02:44 AM)malinka93 Wrote: Total negativ for him. He do scripts not works.. i paid and 0 communicate for rework.

I think you got a real problem with himself. You make a BIG SPAM on my Inbox.

[Image: x8UV8hK.png]

And I proof, I've send 4-7 scripts for you. Here ALL works and for you, nothing.

You kidding me? Smile
(02-20-2016, 10:35 AM)kaiquegabriel Wrote:
(02-20-2016, 02:44 AM)malinka93 Wrote: Total negativ for him. He do scripts not works.. i paid and 0 communicate for rework.

I think you got a real problem with himself. You make a BIG SPAM on my Inbox.

[Image: x8UV8hK.png]

And I proof, I've send 4-7 scripts for you. Here ALL works and for you, nothing.

You kidding me? Smile

all work? u kidding me? he dont withdraw money for runes buy only suplies. u send me scripts without tested. i said go rework test and send me true. how many i must waiting?

i can send the script that sent me, and everyone will see that it does not work as it should and we'll see who is right. Someone willing to send it immediately.

Go ahead have a look. The script starts the dp Port Hope water elemental had to buy 200 hmm rune and 100 smp smp buys only after each refill was 20-30 100-150smp buy blank runes and magic lvl train with mwalls runes and doing nothing only what it buys 100 smp and goes to respawn. I paid for a script that is not working properly. I wrote three days ago asked for reworking and so far 0 response.
See for yourself:

Attached Files
.bbot   waters waters.bbot (Size: 10.52 KB / Downloads: 61)

What about full afk rottin and married quest :3
(02-27-2016, 07:59 PM)Rexi Wrote: What about full afk rottin and married quest :3

Ahahaha I've make this script but i'm testing. It's a lot of work to add for free here. Sorry.
Bring up.

Any requests?
Rorc's script use to bug meanwhile the character is depositing gold.

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