Hello Fellas,
I'm Seeken, some of you probably know me.
Im starting new knight, he's already 30 and i want you to offer free scripts 101% afk maden by me.
Scripts can be anywhere, even pacc. Just how i said, it's 30 knight. So it should be low areas now.
Also I can make scripts 8-50 sorcerers/druids.
What you need to do.
Just post your request here which one looks like this:
Some details:
At the moment, i can't make any pally script.
I'll do my best, most of those scripts gonna be maked in 48 hours.
I'm Seeken, some of you probably know me.
Im starting new knight, he's already 30 and i want you to offer free scripts 101% afk maden by me.
Scripts can be anywhere, even pacc. Just how i said, it's 30 knight. So it should be low areas now.
Also I can make scripts 8-50 sorcerers/druids.
What you need to do.
Just post your request here which one looks like this:
Some details:
At the moment, i can't make any pally script.
I'll do my best, most of those scripts gonna be maked in 48 hours.