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Welcome at my THREAD. If you wanna some script, just PM me, which PLACE , PROFESSION , TARGETING , etc. and i will make it for you. : ]

Anyway here you can find Script's for :

MS :

* Earth/Nighstalker's LB +110

*Giant Spider's Yala +90

*Tarantula Ph North Cave +33

RP :

*Rorc AB / Edron Royal Spears buyer +25

EK :

*Ice Troll's Fibula +10

*Mamuth Svargrond +30

*Ape City (0) +30

*Rorc AB +35

*Stone Golems & Gargoyls & Gozzler's Farmine +35

*Lancern Beetles & Waling Widows Zao +60

*Quara Scout's Svargrond +70


Liberty Bay for Master Sorcerer. ( 2x Floor ) [Image: 3630.gif]

Exp. - 130-170k/h
Profit - -2 - +12k/h depends of Boots of Haste.

Tested by 80MS 100% afk but it's better for stay here at 100+ .

Barbarian Big Camp ( without any quest ) [Image: 996.gif]

15-30k exp/h.

Profit +6k/h + 1x red poce every 1/2h. (idk price of red piece of cloth at any server )

Skill's 65/65.


I can also make some full afk script's for lazy botter's, just call me at priv or under post. Smile

Give reput. if i help you. : ]

[Image: Rorc.gif] Rorc near Orc Fortres 100% Afk [Image: Rorc.gif]

Exp : 30k Exp/h
Profit 3-5k /h

Spawn : [Image: Rorc_Spawn.jpg]

Bot Start at Ab'Dendriel DP , buying 90 Health Potion's. Stack at Depo 5-10 backpack for lot. Preety exp for 30+ EK with P Set / K Set and 60+ Skill for take good profit.
Full check at 25Health Potion's & 40 cap.

Take 1 Stealthy Ring at your main backpack, i made script for anty lure ( when 3+ Rorc he using ring and when kill one he bring it down than you can't die here )

[Image: GRy0kkn.jpg]

[Image: 652.gif] Apes One Floor full afk. [Image: 652.gif]

Exp : 20-40k Exp/h
profit 2-3k/h
Good Script for 35+ EK , K Set.
Bot take 10 Health Pot. & 100 Mana Pot. , refil when 35Mana and 50Cap.
Nice place for make task's points and exp. Script is 100% Afk.

Attached Files
.bbot   [MS]110+ Nightstalker.bbot (Size: 9.9 KB / Downloads: 610)
.bbot   [EK] 40 Svargrond Barbarian Big Camp .bbot (Size: 11.62 KB / Downloads: 374)
.bbot   [EK] 35+ Rorc OFF by Toszek..bbot (Size: 11.53 KB / Downloads: 614)
.bbot   [EK] 35+ Małpy PH by Toszek..bbot (Size: 8.71 KB / Downloads: 513)
Barbarian Camp script has great potential!! but not much info given about it.. is it 100% afk? how many pots does ek need? does it refill? When does he comeback from exp? I've reached ASTONISHING 35k/h in first 15 min on of exp there on my 38EK, wasted about 30 mp of 100 which i bought manually. (i dont care about waste) I could take 2 bloodwalkers + other mobs and he was ok, but then he didnt heal himself when he was surrounded by same creatures (his hp was going down slowly) and died. Please fix it to be 101%afk and reputation will be going to You. Smile cheers
Delete screen with your nickname, noobs can make mass reports on your character to ban you as a botter. Just remove this screen or delete nickname from it :)

--macio_g5 ;)
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If I helped You
Oh right, thanks for that.

Barbarian Big Camp is 100% afk script :
He taken 200 mana potion and 10 Health Potion.
Back when cap lower than 60, and mana pot's lower than 60.
I add'ed auto utura and Exori when +3 monster's near you, you can deleted it if you're lower than 50lvl or wan't take little less profit.
Healing shoud be fine : 80% Exura Ico , 30%mana = mana potion, 40%hp Healthy Potion. I added to lot Halbards only for +400Cap, you can change it to +200 if you have lower lvl than 60, for take 1-2Halbard every ful lcheck, than after 24h 1-2bp of Halbard's for more profit. Depends about Chicken Feather and red poce price at your server you will have smaller or lower profit.

*You also need Exori Hur spell for better way to kill Barbarian Brutetamer.

Tested from 40Knight, was fine. : ]

Ice troll's FOLDA. (Carlin) [Image: Frost_Troll.gif]

Script is 100% Afk tested by 10knight with 50/50 skill's (Brass Set,Dwarven Shield,Steel Axe) , Just at the beggining little waste health potion for Slime, but after 15lvl 0 waste, full profit.

You can take here 6-9k Exp/h Without Premium Stamina and 800-1600gp Profit/h.

Nice script for start make profit at Mainland.

Just buy him 10-20health potion at the beggining and it will be enough for take 20/30lvl.
Auto depositer/bank depositer | NO HEALTH POTION REFILER.

Full check at lower than 40cap.

Take 2x backpack for lot, and 1backpack at dp for Frost Troll hear's.

Attached Files
.bbot   [EK] 10+ Folda Frost Trolle BANK.bbot (Size: 10.19 KB / Downloads: 146)
more for ms or ed plz Big Grin
I can also make for someone full afk script as a free, just tell me which spawn, which profesion,which targeting, and i will do that for ya. : ] I will also soon upload more my script's for ms/ed.

[Image: giant_spider.gif] Giant Spider's Yalahar FULL AFK

It's full afk script.

Nice Task Maker for MS/ED , Using Exori Flam, buying 140smp.
profit 5k/h or more (depends about Silk's price at server) .
60-100k exp/h.
Script using GATE , so you you must have done Yalahar Service Quest to the Cemetery Quarter. If spawn is empty, he will complet task at ~6-7h.

Tested by 90MS.

[Image: tarantula.gif] Tarantula Port Hope North Cave [Image: tarantula.gif]

100% Afk Script, using Exori Flam, buying 80MP back when cap/mana pot. low.

40-80k Exp/h
At 33 can be little waste but at 45 it;s full profit like 2/3k h + you can also take task and kill The Hide ( Spider Silk , Knight legs, Terra Hod , Time ring - depends for your lucky).

Tested by 33MS.

[Image: Mammoth.gif] Svargrond Mammuth +1 Full Afk. [Image: Mammoth.gif]

Start at Svargrond Dp. Script buy 90Health Potion. When H.Pot. 30 / Cap 70 he will refil. Full alert's, looting, full afk. : ]

At Quilia with tons of botters ~13k exp/h+
More or Less 3/4k profit/h + Badgers & Mammuth Task.

tested by 25EK with 60/55 skills.

[Image: mamuth_svar.jpg]

Attached Files
.bbot   [MS]100+ Yalahar Giant Spider MS by Toszek.bbot (Size: 9.33 KB / Downloads: 237)
.bbot   [MS] 33+ Tarantula Port Hope 100% afk.bbot (Size: 10.55 KB / Downloads: 219)
.bbot   [EK] 30+ Mamuty Svargrond by Toszek..bbot (Size: 8.61 KB / Downloads: 251)
can u make script for 140 ed no waste :>
(09-03-2014, 05:38 PM)kurant95 Wrote: can u make script for 140 ed no waste :>

Just tell me where, and i will do it for you. : ] idk as at your server which spawn's are free, i was played at aurora, and every spawn was full so idk how it work at your server. : ]
Hi can u make scripts somewhere for 80+ ms i don`t care about waste i need good exp
(09-03-2014, 10:57 PM)[email protected] Wrote: Hi can u make scripts somewhere for 80+ ms i don`t care about waste i need good exp
Wanna Sd script, or spell's ?
(09-05-2014, 02:20 PM)Barciox Wrote: Thanks!

Just give reput. if i help you. : ]
On Banuta Apes my 37ek dies when was only me on respawn.
In Barbarian Svar he refiling potions for 50lvl so i didnt use to fint more problems becouse i gues i should have waste there.

Soon ill test nightsalkers. Smile
It depends about red poce. price . When at aurora one red poce cost 22k i taken 100k profit per night, idk how it will work right now. : |

[Image: Rorc.gif] Rorc for Paladin full afk. [Image: Rorc.gif]

[Image: Bez_tytu_u.jpg]

Script is full afk. Refil at Ab'dendriel depo / buy royal spear's at Edron.
Great spawn for get profit + nice exp for 25+ RP.

Attached Files
.bbot   [RP] 40+ Rorc OFF by Toszek..bbot (Size: 13.9 KB / Downloads: 167)
[Image: gargoyle.gif] Gargoyle Mine Zao [Image: gargoyle.gif]

Script is 100% afk. You need to have done 8 mission at The new Frontier, for had dp and magic shop at Farmine. There is best place for make task's Stone Golems & Gargoyle.

Script tested by 45EK 70/65 SKill's .

[Image: stone_golems_zao.jpg]

Attached Files
.bbot   [EK] 35+ Stone Golems 1Floor by Toszek.bbot (Size: 9.06 KB / Downloads: 131)
Can u make little fix for this script Rorc for Paladin full afk.
I want to get normal spear while refill on ab'dendriel.
Thanks waiting to test! Big Grin
need script for 100+ek. It should hunt edron's hero cave
Hi !
I Need 2 scripts one for 45knight on laguna first 2 islands with -1-2 and depositer healing on mana pots.
and for 75ek all laguna island with surface and -1-2-3-4 on all Wink
[Image: lancer_beetle.gif] Waling Widow -2 Surface [Image: wailing_widow.gif]

[Image: mapka.jpg]

Script hunt at -2 only, full resp.

Excelent spawn for making task : Wailing Widow 80/h Lancer Beetle 75/h

60k Exp/h

[Image: image.jpg]

Skill : 80/72

profit : 5k/h

Tested by 70EK.
Auto Utura , Auto Exori when 3+ Monster.

Scrpt buy 260Mana Pot. & 40 SHP. Refil when MP<=100;SHP<=20;CAP<=80

Refil at ZAO DP (9x Mission The new Frontier) , Using HEROIC AXE for destro spider web. so you have to get Heroic Axe , or something to cut spider web, than change ID item using at every map tools. If someone will have problem with that than PM me and i'll help. : ]

Attached Files
.bbot   [EK] 60+ Lancer B. & Waling Widows -2 Hardcore by Toszek.bbot (Size: 14.36 KB / Downloads: 210)
Can you create script for Rorc (paladin), but for free acc or it's immbosible?

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