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Hello, here i paste (don't all it's my) scripts only for elite knight from level 20 to level 100 and i will update this thread to higher level.

Tarantula Port Hope

[tr][td]Profession:[/td][td]Elite Knight[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Information:[/td][td]1. Start: Port Hope Depot +0

2. If you use this script first time you have to have some cash to buy 20 small health potions.

3. Check LOOTER !!!

[/td][/tr][tr][td]Recomended Level:[/td][td]20+ with knight set ++ [/td][/tr][tr][td]Recomended Skills:[/td][td]70/70[/td][/tr][tr][td]Exp per hour:[/td][td]Depends on the population and your level. On 20 level I had 40k/h without bonus ![/td][/tr][tr][td]Loot per hour:[/td][td]I don't remember.

Teramittes Ankrahmun

[tr][td]Profession:[/td][td]Elite Knight[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Information:[/td][td]1. Start: Ankrahmun Depot +0

2. Need have cash to buy 100 mana potions.

3. Check LOOTER !!!

[/td][/tr][tr][td]Recomended Level:[/td][td]25+ with knight set ++ [/td][/tr][tr][td]Recomended Skills:[/td][td]70/70[/td][/tr][tr][td]Exp per hour:[/td][td]Depends on the population and your level. On 30 level I had 30-40k/h without bonus ![/td][/tr][tr][td]Loot per hour:[/td][td]8-10k/h.

Mutateds Human Yalahar

[tr][td]Profession:[/td][td]Elite Knight[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Information:[/td][td]1. Start: Yalahar Depot +0

2. Need to have access to alchemist quarter gate and bot buying 90 mana potions.

3. Check LOOTER !!!

[/td][/tr][tr][td]Recomended Level:[/td][td]35+ [/td][/tr][tr][td]Recomended Skills:[/td][td]70/70[/td][/tr][tr][td]Exp per hour:[/td][td]Depends on the population and your level. On 40 level I had 60-70k/h without bonus ![/td][/tr][tr][td]Loot per hour:[/td][td]15k/h.

Pirate Task Yalahar

[tr][td]Profession:[/td][td]Elite Knight[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Information:[/td][td]1. Start: Yalahar Depot +0

2. Need get task for pirates and cash for 230 mana potions.

3. Check LOOTER !!!

[/td][/tr][tr][td]Recomended Level:[/td][td]40+[/td][/tr][tr][td]Recomended Skills:[/td][td]70/70[/td][/tr][tr][td]Exp per hour:[/td][td]Depends on the population and your level. On 48 level I had 60k/h without bonus ![/td][/tr][tr][td]Loot per hour:[/td][td]Don't waste and Profit ( From 3x Task i get 1kk+ from addon items ripper sabre etc ).

Ancient Scarabs Ankrahmun

[tr][td]Profession:[/td][td]Elite Knight[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Information:[/td][td]1. Start: Ankrahmun Depot +0

2. Need get task from Grizzly Adams and cash for 300-350 mana potions.

3. Check LOOTER !!!

[/td][/tr][tr][td]Recomended Level:[/td][td]60+[/td][/tr][tr][td]Recomended Skills:[/td][td]75/75[/td][/tr][tr][td]Exp per hour:[/td][td]Depends on the population and your level. On 70 level I had 90-100k/h without bonus ![/td][/tr][tr][td]Loot per hour:[/td][td]I don't remember.

Coryms Port Hope

[tr][td]Profession:[/td][td]Elite Knight[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Information:[/td][td]1. Start: Port Hope depot +0

2. Here bot buying only 60 mana potions because on soft boots don't using any potion.

3. Check LOOTER !!!

[/td][/tr][tr][td]Recomended Level:[/td][td]60+[/td][/tr][tr][td]Recomended Skills:[/td][td]70/70[/td][/tr][tr][td]Exp per hour:[/td][td]Depends on the population and your level. On 72 level I had 80-90k/h without bonus ![/td][/tr][tr][td]Loot per hour:[/td][td]15-18k/h

Necromancer's Task Drefia

[tr][td]Profession:[/td][td]Elite Knight[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Information:[/td][td]1. Start: Darshia Depot +0

2. Need get task for necromancer's and cash for 500 mana potions.

3. Check LOOTER !!!

[/td][/tr][tr][td]Recomended Level:[/td][td]70+[/td][/tr][tr][td]Recomended Skills:[/td][td]75/75[/td][/tr][tr][td]Exp per hour:[/td][td]Depends on the population and your level. On 90 level I had 110k/h without bonus ![/td][/tr][tr][td]Loot per hour:[/td][td]I don't remember. - Here u need have lucky. from -5k/h to 30-35k/h

Bog Raiders & Mutated Tigers

[tr][td]Profession:[/td][td]Elite Knight[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Information:[/td][td]1. Start: Yalahar Depot +0

2. Buying 500 mana potions.

3. Check LOOTER !!!

[/td][/tr][tr][td]Recomended Level:[/td][td]70+[/td][/tr][tr][td]Recomended Skills:[/td][td]80/80[/td][/tr][tr][td]Exp per hour:[/td][td]Depends on the population and your level. On 80 level I had 110k/h without bonus ![/td][/tr][tr][td]Loot per hour:[/td][td]From 5k/h to 10-15k/h.

Giant Spider's

[tr][td]Profession:[/td][td]Elite Knight[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Information:[/td][td]1. Start: Yalahar Depot +0

2. Bot buying 500mp without gate.

3. Check LOOTER !!!

[/td][/tr][tr][td]Recomended Level:[/td][td]80+[/td][/tr][tr][td]Recomended Skills:[/td][td]80/80[/td][/tr][tr][td]Exp per hour:[/td][td]Depends on the population and your level. On 91 level I had 90k/h without bonus ![/td][/tr][tr][td]Loot per hour:[/td][td]5k-15k/h

#All added.


Attached Files
.bbot   [Free] TARANTULA 20+.bbot (Size: 9.36 KB / Downloads: 584)
.bbot   [Free] TERRAMITE 25+.bbot (Size: 9.95 KB / Downloads: 614)
.bbot   [Free] Mutated Humans 35+.bbot (Size: 11.05 KB / Downloads: 623)
.bbot   [Free] PIRATES YALAHAR - 40+.bbot (Size: 11.15 KB / Downloads: 888)
.bbot   [Free] Ancient Scarabs 60+.bbot (Size: 10.33 KB / Downloads: 513)
.bbot   [Free] Coryms 60+.bbot (Size: 8.22 KB / Downloads: 691)
.bbot   [Free] Bog Raiders + Mutated Tigers 70+.bbot (Size: 11.37 KB / Downloads: 617)
.bbot   [Free] Necromancers Drefia 70+.bbot (Size: 12.38 KB / Downloads: 762)
.bbot   [Free] Giant Spiders 80+.bbot (Size: 10 KB / Downloads: 577)
Nice copy-paste from my topic Wink (table and words)
I helped you? My script is good?
Give me a reputation point Smile Thank you!

[Image: banner.gif]
Ye, don't have time to create own. Your scripts too here, need to say it ^^
i uploaded it because maybe someone need to make fast from level 20 to 100+ Smile
Its 100% Afk?
(09-24-2014, 04:51 AM)Aligowski Wrote: Its 100% Afk?

Yes, all is 100%.
(09-23-2014, 12:07 PM)Rews Wrote: Ye, don't have time to create own. Your scripts too here, need to say it ^^
i uploaded it because maybe someone need to make fast from level 20 to 100+ Smile
So delate it from here... I didn't give you permission...

It's my scripts and you stole it... You change the name ( u delated by Hang) So delate my scripts from your topic. If not You'll be reported and banned.
I helped you? My script is good?
Give me a reputation point Smile Thank you!

[Image: banner.gif]
stole? fuck logic... it better when one list on one topic... go think pff i don't delete - waiting for banned .aelo
If scripts are not yours, put the due credits.
nice job bro
Nice Scripts BRO !
Necro Darashia script is garbage Sad Doesnt go to bank after start - it goes straight to buy potions with no money. Ok i bought potions manually before restarting the script, he goes to Drefia and he hunts there (i dunno how you reached 110k/h exp there, i had 60k/h on my 85 ek) he was under 100 mana pots so he started going back, went back to the surface, crossed the hills, and when he was almost in town he stopped and went back to Drefia WTF oO I stopped the script right after that. Also i saw one time he got stuck in the south area of the main room where he hunts (two ghosts blocked the 2sqm exit of the little room and after a moment he started attacking one of them (pointless).
If scripts are not yours, put the due credits.

Closed until the posting of credits. When everything is ok, send me a PM that I open the topic again.

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